Monday, 27 May 2013
D35 Vulcain Trophy : Grand Prix les Ambassadeurs - Patience, fougue et stratégie
Nicolas Grange's Okalys-Corum won the Grand Prix Les Ambassadeurs 2013. Image copyright Loris von Siebenthal/
by Spindrift Racing media
On Saturday and Sunday, 11 D35 catamarans raced on Lake Geneva in the second round of the 2013 Vulcain Trophy. The only notable absentee was the wind, which fluctuated between 0 and 10 knots. It meant that they could only contest three rounds of the Les Ambassadeurs Grand Prix.
par Natacha Borri
Le week-end du Grand Prix LES AMBASSADEURS a mis les nerfs des navigateurs à rude épreuve, le vent capricieux et évanescent leur a joué de nombreux tours. Okalys-Corum, barré par Nicolas Grange a brillamment remporté la victoire grâce à des choix stratégiques judicieux. Sur la deuxième place du podium, Guy de Picciotto et son team Zen Too sabrent aussi le champagne pour fêter leur première place au classement général du Vulcain Trophy. Ylliam-Comptoir-Immobilier de Guillaume Bureau et Bertrand Demole s’assure une très belle troisième place en gagnant notamment la dernière manche du week-end.
La première manche du week-end a démarré très fort. Impatients d’en découdre, les D35 se sont jetés sur la ligne de départ jusqu’à risquer le rappel individuel comme ce fut le cas pour Oryx et Realstone. Excellent départ bâbord pour Ylliam-Comptoir Immobilier qui va garder sa place de leader jusqu’au passage de la deuxième porte au vent. Bertrand Demole est heureux : Nous avons touché les airs en premier et sommes restés devant la flotte mais avons finalement été rattrapé par Okalys-Corum et Veltigroup.» Le dernier bord a été particulièrement laborieux suite à une chute du vent qui a subitement coupé les multicoques dans leur élan. Ladycat powered by Spindrift racing s’adjuge la quatrième place et Zen Too la cinquième. Oryx termine hors temps pour sa première régate mais se rattrape en terminant cinquième et huitième lors des deux manches du dimanche.
Pour Nicolas Grange, qui remporte le Grand Prix, «les conditions légères de ces deux jours permettaient de parier sur une stratégie différente de celle de la flotte, ça a plutôt bien marché.» Son équipage, riche de trois nouveaux membres, a eu peu d’occasions de s’entrainer pourtant le barreur d’Okalys-Corum raconte que « chacun était en phase et la vitesse très bonne. Le plus difficile et important consiste à rester régulier tout au long de la saison.»
Fred Le Peutrec sur Zen Too, deuxième du Grand Prix LES AMBASSADEURS et premier du Vulcain Trophy, rend hommage à la voilerie Europ’Sails et à l’expertise de Canard. « Notre performance est aussi une conséquence de l’excellente évolution de nos voiles, mais sur le Léman, les variations de vent obligent à être vigilants, acharnés et disponibles. Il faut persévérer jusqu’au dernier mètre avant l’arrivée, ici rien n’est acquis.» De son côté, Christophe Lassègue vainqueur du Bol d’Or sur Foncia en 2009 et régleur de voile avant sur Zen Too confirme le sentiment partagé sur le bateau : «Guy de Picciotto nous met dans les conditions favorables à la performance en plus de son rôle important à bord.»
Alinghi termine sixième du Grand Prix mais troisième au classement général suivi de près par Realstone et Ladycat powered by Spindrift racing. C’est très serré entre Ylliam-Comptoir Immobilier, Tilt et Nickel tandis que SUI9, Veltigroup et Oryx ferment le classement. Le championnat reste ouvert et sera très disputé lors de l’Open de Versoix II et la Genève-Rolle les 7-8-9 juin.
2-Zen Too
3-Ylliam-Comptoir Immobilier
4-Ladycat powered by Spindrift racing
5-Realstone sailing
D35 Vulcain Trophy
GKSS Spring Cup : Staffan Lindberg Wins while Swedes Surprise
Staffan Lindberg's Alandia Sailing Team. Image copyright Stena Match Cup
by Stena Match Cup Sweden media
Staffan Lindberg and his Alandia Sailing Team has won an entry to Stena Match Cup Sweden after beating Danish skipper Joachim Aschenbrenner in the final of the GKSS Spring Cup this weekend. The Swedish skipper Henrik Eyerman and his crew were sensationally the only Swedes to advance from the Round Robin of the event, which gave them the Swedish qualifying ticket to Marstrand.
This weekend, the GKSS Spring Cup was sailed in perfect conditions at the Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club with sun and 25 knots of wind. The regatta serves as a qualifying event for Stena Match Cup Sweden, the third stage of the Alpari World Match Racing Tour, and several top ranked teams came to battle for a entry ticket to Marstrand. After the line-up of ten teams had boiled down during the Round Robin and Winner’s Round three Danish teams and Staffan Lindberg (FIN) were left in the Semifinals. The Finish skipper lost his first match against Nicolai Sehested but came back to outmaneuver his opponent in two straight matches and secure a spot in the final. There he was put against Joachim Aschenbrenner and his Danish team, the winners of the Winner’s Round. Lindberg got of to a good start in the first final match, was in control from start to finish in gusty winds, and continued with another victory in the second match - Alandia Sailing Team had won the Spring Cup and the ticket to Marstrand was theirs.
“Heading into this event, we knew that the competition was tough and that we had to perform our best to win and the whole crew has sailed perfectly; we have worked well as a team with good speed and maneuvering. It feels great heading for Marstrand and we can go there as underdogs which fits us fine”, says Staffan Lindberg, the Skipper of Alandia Sailing Team.
Henrik Eyermann and his team after qualifying for Stena Match Cup. Image copyright Stena Match Cup Sweden
The Swedish skipper Henrik Eyermann and his team was the big surprise of the weekend as they grabbed the Swedish qualifying spot. Eyermann, 156 on the ISAF match racing ranking, was the only Swedish skipper to advance from the Round Robin, which meant his team had secured an entry to Stena Match Cup Sweden as the best Swedes in the GKSS Spring Cup.
“It’s a dream to get to compete at Marstrand and this is a complete surprise even for us. We are really happy and excited about qualifying, things have worked well in the team and we have just kept going”, says Henrik Eyermann.
The 51 year old Eyermann has never competed in a World Tour event before but he has a strong record as a sailor, with a fourth place in the 1984 Olympics in the Star Class together with Kent Carlsson. Now he and his crew will be one of the twelve teams competing in the Open Class of Stena Match Cup Sweden 2013.
Open Clas Stena Match Cup Sweden 2013:
Ian Williams (GBR)
Björn Hansen (SWE)
Phil Robertson (NZL)
Keith Swinton (AUS)
Pierre-Antoine Morvan (FRA)
Johnie Berntsson (SWE)
Taylor Canfied (USA)
Adam Minoprio (NZL)
Staffan Lindberg (FIN)
Henrik Eyermann (SWE)
Wild Card 1 - Mathieu Richard (FRA)
Wild Card 2 – To be announced
Stena Match Cup Sweden
by Stena Match Cup Sweden media
Staffan Lindberg and his Alandia Sailing Team has won an entry to Stena Match Cup Sweden after beating Danish skipper Joachim Aschenbrenner in the final of the GKSS Spring Cup this weekend. The Swedish skipper Henrik Eyerman and his crew were sensationally the only Swedes to advance from the Round Robin of the event, which gave them the Swedish qualifying ticket to Marstrand.
This weekend, the GKSS Spring Cup was sailed in perfect conditions at the Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club with sun and 25 knots of wind. The regatta serves as a qualifying event for Stena Match Cup Sweden, the third stage of the Alpari World Match Racing Tour, and several top ranked teams came to battle for a entry ticket to Marstrand. After the line-up of ten teams had boiled down during the Round Robin and Winner’s Round three Danish teams and Staffan Lindberg (FIN) were left in the Semifinals. The Finish skipper lost his first match against Nicolai Sehested but came back to outmaneuver his opponent in two straight matches and secure a spot in the final. There he was put against Joachim Aschenbrenner and his Danish team, the winners of the Winner’s Round. Lindberg got of to a good start in the first final match, was in control from start to finish in gusty winds, and continued with another victory in the second match - Alandia Sailing Team had won the Spring Cup and the ticket to Marstrand was theirs.
“Heading into this event, we knew that the competition was tough and that we had to perform our best to win and the whole crew has sailed perfectly; we have worked well as a team with good speed and maneuvering. It feels great heading for Marstrand and we can go there as underdogs which fits us fine”, says Staffan Lindberg, the Skipper of Alandia Sailing Team.
Henrik Eyermann and his team after qualifying for Stena Match Cup. Image copyright Stena Match Cup Sweden
The Swedish skipper Henrik Eyermann and his team was the big surprise of the weekend as they grabbed the Swedish qualifying spot. Eyermann, 156 on the ISAF match racing ranking, was the only Swedish skipper to advance from the Round Robin, which meant his team had secured an entry to Stena Match Cup Sweden as the best Swedes in the GKSS Spring Cup.
“It’s a dream to get to compete at Marstrand and this is a complete surprise even for us. We are really happy and excited about qualifying, things have worked well in the team and we have just kept going”, says Henrik Eyermann.
The 51 year old Eyermann has never competed in a World Tour event before but he has a strong record as a sailor, with a fourth place in the 1984 Olympics in the Star Class together with Kent Carlsson. Now he and his crew will be one of the twelve teams competing in the Open Class of Stena Match Cup Sweden 2013.
Open Clas Stena Match Cup Sweden 2013:
Ian Williams (GBR)
Björn Hansen (SWE)
Phil Robertson (NZL)
Keith Swinton (AUS)
Pierre-Antoine Morvan (FRA)
Johnie Berntsson (SWE)
Taylor Canfied (USA)
Adam Minoprio (NZL)
Staffan Lindberg (FIN)
Henrik Eyermann (SWE)
Wild Card 1 - Mathieu Richard (FRA)
Wild Card 2 – To be announced
Stena Match Cup Sweden
MOD 70 : Offshore with Virbac Paprec 70
ArMen Race
A bord de VIRBAC-PAPREC 70 sur l'Armen Race par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Convoyage entre Lorient et Nice
19 mai 2013. Destination Nice ! par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Bilou nous fait partager l'ambiance à bord de Virbac-Paprec 70 lors du convoyage entre Lorient et Nice : a voir, sans moderation !
22 mai 2013. Convoyage Lorient - Nice à bord de... par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Jean-Pierre Dick présente son équipage pour la Route des Princes
Jean-Pierre Dick présente son équipage pour la... par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Virbac Paprec Sailing Team
A bord de VIRBAC-PAPREC 70 sur l'Armen Race par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Convoyage entre Lorient et Nice
19 mai 2013. Destination Nice ! par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Bilou nous fait partager l'ambiance à bord de Virbac-Paprec 70 lors du convoyage entre Lorient et Nice : a voir, sans moderation !
22 mai 2013. Convoyage Lorient - Nice à bord de... par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Jean-Pierre Dick présente son équipage pour la Route des Princes
Jean-Pierre Dick présente son équipage pour la... par Virbac-Paprec_SailingTeam
Virbac Paprec Sailing Team
52 Super Series : Quantum Racing win 52 Super Series first Trophy regatta
Quantum Racing. Image copyright Xaume Olleros/
Winning the final race in Barcelona Quantum Racing, skippered by Ed Baird with Terry Hutchinson as tactician, contributed all that they could to lifting the Conde de Godo Trophy regatta for the second year in a row, but with long time event leaders Azzurra slumping to a dramatic seventh place at the same time, the American team did have a little unexpected assistance from their main rivals.
Race start. Image copyright Xaume Olleros/
Azzurra went into Sunday's only race with a lead of two points on Quantum Racing and four on Niklas Zennstrom's Ran Racing, but the defending 2012 52 Super Series champions Azzurra had only a modest first beat and then were penalised for fouling Interlodge at the spreader mark spinnaker hoist.
Required to take a penalty turn Azzurra's hopes of winning the regatta evaporated at that point. There was no coming back for them as Quantum Racing were already half a mile down the first run, sailing securely and confidently to take the winning gun and with it the Conde de Godo Trophy and draw first blood on the 2013 52 Super Series.
Ran Racing's second place, with Azzurra seventh gives Zennstrom's world champions crew second overall in Barcelona, the city where they won their first 52 regatta as a team in 2011.
Barcelona delivered a potent mix of breezes including two memorable days when the early season winds were consistently over 20kts, complemented nicely by Sunday's 11-15kts showdown.
Trofeo Conde de Godo, standings after eight races
1. Quantum Racing, USA, 18 points
2. Ran, SWE, 21
3. Azzurra, ITA, 22
4. Gladiator, GBR, 35
5. Interlodge, USA, 35
6. Rio, USA, 45
7. Provezza, TUR, 48
52 syuper Series
Winning the final race in Barcelona Quantum Racing, skippered by Ed Baird with Terry Hutchinson as tactician, contributed all that they could to lifting the Conde de Godo Trophy regatta for the second year in a row, but with long time event leaders Azzurra slumping to a dramatic seventh place at the same time, the American team did have a little unexpected assistance from their main rivals.
Race start. Image copyright Xaume Olleros/
Azzurra went into Sunday's only race with a lead of two points on Quantum Racing and four on Niklas Zennstrom's Ran Racing, but the defending 2012 52 Super Series champions Azzurra had only a modest first beat and then were penalised for fouling Interlodge at the spreader mark spinnaker hoist.
Required to take a penalty turn Azzurra's hopes of winning the regatta evaporated at that point. There was no coming back for them as Quantum Racing were already half a mile down the first run, sailing securely and confidently to take the winning gun and with it the Conde de Godo Trophy and draw first blood on the 2013 52 Super Series.
Ran Racing's second place, with Azzurra seventh gives Zennstrom's world champions crew second overall in Barcelona, the city where they won their first 52 regatta as a team in 2011.
Barcelona delivered a potent mix of breezes including two memorable days when the early season winds were consistently over 20kts, complemented nicely by Sunday's 11-15kts showdown.
Trofeo Conde de Godo, standings after eight races
1. Quantum Racing, USA, 18 points
2. Ran, SWE, 21
3. Azzurra, ITA, 22
4. Gladiator, GBR, 35
5. Interlodge, USA, 35
6. Rio, USA, 45
7. Provezza, TUR, 48
52 syuper Series
Auckland to Fiji Race : TeamVodafoneSailing cutting it fine but confident
TeamVodafoneSailing. Image copyright Rob Webb.
by Zoe Hawkins
by Zoe Hawkins
Following a dismasting in March, TeamVodafoneSailing is back and almost ready to roll into the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron's Auckland to Musket Cove, Fiji Race starting this Saturday.
The boat is back in the water, but waiting on another stay before it can hoist sails.
“We won't miss the sprint to warmer climes if we can at all help at – arriving at Musket Cove is always a great experience,” says Skipper Simon Hull. “We will only have a few days to shake her down, but we will be there Saturday for the race start.”
With the help of Southern Spars, the rig has been modified to overcome the weakness that caused the failure, and the PBO stays have been replaced with EC6 Carbon rigging.
“We will race to Musket Cove, have a few days R&R, and bring the boat home for an overhaul,” says Simon. The refit will be its first in three years, and will make the boat race ready for the spring season.
The crew racing to Musket Cove are Simon Hull, Stu 'Disco 'Mackinven, Rod Chave, Nude Guy Hewson, Paddy O’Reily, Chris Smith, Scotty Simpson, Andy 'Twinkle Toes' Potter, and Harry Hull.
Atom Ant has withdrawn from the event, and the remaining starters are Outrageous Fortune, Wild Card, Equilibrium, V5, Venture 2, Squealer, and Vision (cruising rally).
A large high north of New Zealand is expected to make for a long slow race, and more information including PredictWind weather routing and predicted finishing times, will be issued soon.
The 1,150 mile marathon starts off Westhaven Marina in Auckland at midday on Saturday 1 June, and finishes at the resort of Musket Cove in Fiji. The race is supported by Manson Anchors,, and TNL GAC Pindar, and all boats will carry a Yellowbrick Tracker with them on the race course, so that you can see where they are up to at any time by visiting For TeamVodafone tracker and Facebook updates, visit
CYCA : Four finishers in "float fest" edition of Audi Winter Series
Another light and tricky day on Sydney Harbour. Image copyright
by Di Pearson
by Di Pearson
It was a long, long, day for all involved in the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia’s Winter Series yesterday – a race that is best be described as a ‘float fest’, as very light west-sou-westerly winds later shifted to the west-nor-west, making it agonisingly slow for the fleet with only four finishers recorded.
Only Christian Nick’s Northshore 369, Valkyrie and Kayle-Sailors With Disabilities, a Lyons 53 skippered by David Leslie, finished in Division J1. Division K also had two finishers; Kevin O’Shea’s veteran S&S design. Stormy Petrel and the Jeanneau 36i, Takana (Paul Williams). None of the other 121 competing yachts finished within the time limit.
Slow and steady on Sydney Harbour. Image copyright
Race Officer, Denis Thompson, explained: “We started the race in a 10-12 knot westerly. The boats romped down to the first gate in around 8 knots. The four boats from Divisions J1 and K came through the gate, so we continued on.
“But the breeze eventually started to die and then it did and a lot of boats were parked. When the time limited expired, there were still some boats that hadn’t gone through the gate for the first time,” he said.
Thompson said there was breeze at the southern end of the Harbour, but it was dwindling at the northern end by the time most of the fleet got to the first mark the first time.
The race officer’s job can, at times, be difficult – and this was a point in case. Abandon early and the breezes likely to reappear – Murphy’s Law – so to keep going, or not?
Competitors could not be disappointed with the beautiful 22 degree sunny day on Sydney Harbour as they set sail in Race 5, but many were praying fervently to the wind gods to send them some wind – any wind – to no avail.
Quetzalcoatl crew work hard to keep spinnaker trimmed. Image copyright
The first spinnaker run to the first mark at the other end of the Harbour looked promising, but became hard work for the backmarkers.
Those manning sheets and braces did all they could to keep spinnakers full, while the rest of the crews sat to leeward and tried to keep their boats moving. Foredeck hands were told to tread lightly as they set and dropped kites, as every little movement was painfully felt and could slow the boats down or bring them up dead in their tracks.
It was excruciating, as many were becalmed, went round in circles or moved at snail’s pace. So shifty and light, boat hands did all they could to keep their charges moving.
Just after 3.00pm at Watsons Bay, the wind went west-nor-west, with boats travelling under spinnaker going in opposite directions – just to make an already difficult situation even more so. Some set kites for the ride back towards Point Piper, airless spots causing them to collapse before refilling when puffs arrived.
Well done to the four finishers. Valkyrie’s win has moved her up from third place into the lead in Division J1, while Stormy Petrel’s win moves it up from second into the Division K lead. For all other divisions, the race was abandoned.
For full CYCA Winter Series results log on to:
52 Super Series : Azzurra Finishes Third in Barcelona
Azzurra. Image copyright Xaume Olleros/
by Giuliano Luzzatto
Azzurra concludes the first event of the 52 Super Series Mediterranean season behind Quantum and Ran. A challenging day prevented the TP52 of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda from climbing to the highest podium position.
Yacht racing is also made of this: at times there are tough days in which you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the final race of Trofeo Conde Godó in Barcelona, Azzurra opted for the right-hand side of the course, which was favored by a wind shift, while Quantum and Ran had their sights set on the left.
Under Sunday's conditions, a gentle breeze between 11 and 14 knots and short chop, Azzurra suffered upwind and stayed at the back of the fleet. At the same time, Quantum was in command in the center of the course, followed by Ran. At the first weather mark, Azzurra chose to do a gybe set, gybing towards the right. Interlodge, very close behind, protested and inflicted a penalty which Azzurra considers unjust. Since on-the-water umpire decisions cannot be appealed, Azzurra had to immediately carry out her penalty turn with the gennaker already hoisted. That practically put an end to the race as the team tried, unsuccessfully, to come back. Quantum went on to win the race and claim the top spot in the overall leaderboard of the circuit, followed by Ran. Azzurra now lie third, trailing by a mere four points and with a long season ahead.
Quotes of the day
Pablo Roemmers, owner: “This season consists of four events and this is just the first one. We were very regular throughout the week but in the last race of the last day where we were a bit unlucky. Anyway, it was a very good regatta overall, a very good venue with very good organization. The boats are all very similar and extremely competitive and we are very happy with this great circuit. There is no doubt, the 52 Super Series is the most professional sailing circuit, only second to the America's Cup. We are very happy with the way it is developing, we are already planning the future and we will make important announcements in due time.”
Riccardo Bonadeo, Yacht Club Costa Smeralda Commodore: “I would like to thank the Roemmers family for the passion they have shown for Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, carrying the Azzurra name to compete in such prestigious events. We won both US 52 Super Series and last year's season, this event didn't come to an end the way we would have liked but this is just the start of racing in the 2013 season which will conclude in Porto Cervo, with the Audi Week of the Straits, our regatta with the most important historical tradition.”
Paul “Flipper” Westlake, mainsail trimmer: “You have to know how to smile even, and especially, in difficult moments. Today wasn't a good day but if we look at what we have achieved so far we can only be optimistic about the rest of the season. We are a strong team, we have shown it and we will keep showing it.”
Bruno Zirilli, navigator: “Today we had two problems. The boat setup and the penalty we received that threw us at the back of the fleet. On the other hand, I think that downwind we could have been able to recover some places.”
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, results after 8 races
2. RAN (SWE) 21 pts
3. AZZURRA (ITA) 22 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 35 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 35 pts
6. RIO (USA) 45 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 48 pts
52 Super Series – 2013 Racing Schedule
20 - 25 January – Quantum Key West Race Week
5 - 9 March - Gaastra 52 World Championship, Miami
23- 26 May - 40th Trofeo Conde de Godo, RCNB, Barcelona
3 - 6 July - Royal Cup, Ibiza
29 July - 3 August - Copa del Rey, RCNP, Palma de Mallorca
10-14 September – Audi Settimana delle Bocche, YCCS, Porto Cervo
Guillermo Parada – Skipper/ Helmsman
Vasco Vascotto - Tactician
Tomislav Basic - Strategist
Bruno Zirilli - Navigator
Paul Westlake - Mainsail
Mariano Caputo - Bowman
Juan Pablo Marcos - Midbow
David Vera - Pitman
Maciel Cichetti - Trimmer
Mariano Parada - Trimmer
Simon Fry - Trimmer
Gabriel Marino - Grinder
Alejandro Colla – Grinder
Nicola Pilastro - Grinder
Boat Captain: Pedro Rossi
Coach: Guillermo Baquerizas
Physical trainer: Inigo Losada
Owner: Mr. Alberto Roemmers
In Italian:
Azzurra chiude dietro a Quantum e Ran il primo evento della stagione 52 Super Series 2013 in Mediterraneo. Un giornata difficile ha impedito alla barca dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda di salire sul gradino più alto del podio.
Le regate sono anche questo: a volte ci sono giornate difficili in cui ci si trova nel posto sbagliato al momento sbagliato. Nella regata finale del Trofeo Conde de Godò di Barcellona, Azzurra ha scelto di stare sul lato destro del campo, dove effettivamente il vento ha ruotato, mentre Quantum e Ran hanno puntato sulla sinistra. Con le condizioni odierne, vento tra gli 11 e i 14 nodi e onda corta, la barca in bolina ha sofferto, restando relegata nelle retrovie, mentre Quantum in centro al campo si portava al comando seguito da Ran. Al primo lato di poppa, Azzurra ha scelto un gybe set, strambando subito verso destra. Interlodge, che seguiva molto da vicino ha chiesto e ottenuto una penalità che Azzurra ritiene ingiusta. Poiché le decisioni dei giudici in mare sono inappellabili, Azzurra ha dovuto compiere il giro su se stessa quando il gennaker era già issato. Con la regata compromessa, tutti i tentativi di recupero sono stati vani. Quantum ha vinto la regata e si porta così in testa alla classifica provvisoria del circuito, seguito da Ran. Azzurra è terza, a soli quattro punti di distacco e con una stagione ancora molto lunga davanti.
Dichiarazioni del giorno
Pablo Roemmers, armatore: “Questo è solo il primo di quattro eventi della stagione. Siamo stati molto regolari durante l’intero evento, salvo quest’ultima prova, dove anche la sfortuna ha giocato un suo ruolo. Nell’insieme è stato comunque un buon evento, in una bella città con un’ottima organizzazione. Le barche hanno prestazioni molto simili tra loro e sono davvero competitive, non c’è dubbio che la 52 Super Series sia il circuito velico professionistico per eccellenza, secondo solo all’America’s Cup, che ha però caratteristiche nettamente diverse. Siamo molto contenti di come si sta sviluppando, stiamo pianificando il futuro, circa il quale verranno prossimamente fatte importanti comunicazioni”.
Riccardo Bonadeo, commodoro dello YCCS: “Desidero ringraziare la famiglia Roemmers per la passione che dimostra nei confronti dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, portando il nome di Azzurra a competere in queste prestigiose regate. Abbiamo vinto sia la US 52 Super Series che il circuito 2012, questo evento non è terminato come speravamo ma è solo l'inizio delle regate 2013, che si chiuderanno a Porto Cervo, con l'Audi Settimana delle Bocche, la nostra regata di maggior tradizione storica”.
Paul “Flipper” Westlake, randista: “Occorre saper sorridere anche e soprattutto nei momenti difficili, oggi non è andata bene ma se guardiamo a quanto abbiamo fatto sinora non possiamo che essere ottimisti per il prosieguo della stagione. Siamo un team forte, lo abbiamo dimostrato e continueremo a dimostrarlo”.
Bruno Zirilli, navigatore: “Oggi abbiamo avuto due problemi. La messa a punto della barca in bolina e la penalità subita che ci ha relegato in fondo alla flotta, viceversa credo che nei laschi avremmo potuto recuperare posizioni”.
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, classifica dopo 8 regate
2. RAN (SWE) 21 pts
3. AZZURRA (ITA) 22 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 35 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 35 pts
6. RIO (USA) 45 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 48 pts
52 Super Series
by Giuliano Luzzatto
Azzurra concludes the first event of the 52 Super Series Mediterranean season behind Quantum and Ran. A challenging day prevented the TP52 of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda from climbing to the highest podium position.
Yacht racing is also made of this: at times there are tough days in which you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the final race of Trofeo Conde Godó in Barcelona, Azzurra opted for the right-hand side of the course, which was favored by a wind shift, while Quantum and Ran had their sights set on the left.
Under Sunday's conditions, a gentle breeze between 11 and 14 knots and short chop, Azzurra suffered upwind and stayed at the back of the fleet. At the same time, Quantum was in command in the center of the course, followed by Ran. At the first weather mark, Azzurra chose to do a gybe set, gybing towards the right. Interlodge, very close behind, protested and inflicted a penalty which Azzurra considers unjust. Since on-the-water umpire decisions cannot be appealed, Azzurra had to immediately carry out her penalty turn with the gennaker already hoisted. That practically put an end to the race as the team tried, unsuccessfully, to come back. Quantum went on to win the race and claim the top spot in the overall leaderboard of the circuit, followed by Ran. Azzurra now lie third, trailing by a mere four points and with a long season ahead.
Quotes of the day
Pablo Roemmers, owner: “This season consists of four events and this is just the first one. We were very regular throughout the week but in the last race of the last day where we were a bit unlucky. Anyway, it was a very good regatta overall, a very good venue with very good organization. The boats are all very similar and extremely competitive and we are very happy with this great circuit. There is no doubt, the 52 Super Series is the most professional sailing circuit, only second to the America's Cup. We are very happy with the way it is developing, we are already planning the future and we will make important announcements in due time.”
Riccardo Bonadeo, Yacht Club Costa Smeralda Commodore: “I would like to thank the Roemmers family for the passion they have shown for Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, carrying the Azzurra name to compete in such prestigious events. We won both US 52 Super Series and last year's season, this event didn't come to an end the way we would have liked but this is just the start of racing in the 2013 season which will conclude in Porto Cervo, with the Audi Week of the Straits, our regatta with the most important historical tradition.”
Paul “Flipper” Westlake, mainsail trimmer: “You have to know how to smile even, and especially, in difficult moments. Today wasn't a good day but if we look at what we have achieved so far we can only be optimistic about the rest of the season. We are a strong team, we have shown it and we will keep showing it.”
Bruno Zirilli, navigator: “Today we had two problems. The boat setup and the penalty we received that threw us at the back of the fleet. On the other hand, I think that downwind we could have been able to recover some places.”
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, results after 8 races
2. RAN (SWE) 21 pts
3. AZZURRA (ITA) 22 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 35 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 35 pts
6. RIO (USA) 45 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 48 pts
52 Super Series – 2013 Racing Schedule
20 - 25 January – Quantum Key West Race Week
5 - 9 March - Gaastra 52 World Championship, Miami
23- 26 May - 40th Trofeo Conde de Godo, RCNB, Barcelona
3 - 6 July - Royal Cup, Ibiza
29 July - 3 August - Copa del Rey, RCNP, Palma de Mallorca
10-14 September – Audi Settimana delle Bocche, YCCS, Porto Cervo
Guillermo Parada – Skipper/ Helmsman
Vasco Vascotto - Tactician
Tomislav Basic - Strategist
Bruno Zirilli - Navigator
Paul Westlake - Mainsail
Mariano Caputo - Bowman
Juan Pablo Marcos - Midbow
David Vera - Pitman
Maciel Cichetti - Trimmer
Mariano Parada - Trimmer
Simon Fry - Trimmer
Gabriel Marino - Grinder
Alejandro Colla – Grinder
Nicola Pilastro - Grinder
Boat Captain: Pedro Rossi
Coach: Guillermo Baquerizas
Physical trainer: Inigo Losada
Owner: Mr. Alberto Roemmers
In Italian:
Azzurra chiude dietro a Quantum e Ran il primo evento della stagione 52 Super Series 2013 in Mediterraneo. Un giornata difficile ha impedito alla barca dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda di salire sul gradino più alto del podio.
Le regate sono anche questo: a volte ci sono giornate difficili in cui ci si trova nel posto sbagliato al momento sbagliato. Nella regata finale del Trofeo Conde de Godò di Barcellona, Azzurra ha scelto di stare sul lato destro del campo, dove effettivamente il vento ha ruotato, mentre Quantum e Ran hanno puntato sulla sinistra. Con le condizioni odierne, vento tra gli 11 e i 14 nodi e onda corta, la barca in bolina ha sofferto, restando relegata nelle retrovie, mentre Quantum in centro al campo si portava al comando seguito da Ran. Al primo lato di poppa, Azzurra ha scelto un gybe set, strambando subito verso destra. Interlodge, che seguiva molto da vicino ha chiesto e ottenuto una penalità che Azzurra ritiene ingiusta. Poiché le decisioni dei giudici in mare sono inappellabili, Azzurra ha dovuto compiere il giro su se stessa quando il gennaker era già issato. Con la regata compromessa, tutti i tentativi di recupero sono stati vani. Quantum ha vinto la regata e si porta così in testa alla classifica provvisoria del circuito, seguito da Ran. Azzurra è terza, a soli quattro punti di distacco e con una stagione ancora molto lunga davanti.
Dichiarazioni del giorno
Pablo Roemmers, armatore: “Questo è solo il primo di quattro eventi della stagione. Siamo stati molto regolari durante l’intero evento, salvo quest’ultima prova, dove anche la sfortuna ha giocato un suo ruolo. Nell’insieme è stato comunque un buon evento, in una bella città con un’ottima organizzazione. Le barche hanno prestazioni molto simili tra loro e sono davvero competitive, non c’è dubbio che la 52 Super Series sia il circuito velico professionistico per eccellenza, secondo solo all’America’s Cup, che ha però caratteristiche nettamente diverse. Siamo molto contenti di come si sta sviluppando, stiamo pianificando il futuro, circa il quale verranno prossimamente fatte importanti comunicazioni”.
Riccardo Bonadeo, commodoro dello YCCS: “Desidero ringraziare la famiglia Roemmers per la passione che dimostra nei confronti dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, portando il nome di Azzurra a competere in queste prestigiose regate. Abbiamo vinto sia la US 52 Super Series che il circuito 2012, questo evento non è terminato come speravamo ma è solo l'inizio delle regate 2013, che si chiuderanno a Porto Cervo, con l'Audi Settimana delle Bocche, la nostra regata di maggior tradizione storica”.
Paul “Flipper” Westlake, randista: “Occorre saper sorridere anche e soprattutto nei momenti difficili, oggi non è andata bene ma se guardiamo a quanto abbiamo fatto sinora non possiamo che essere ottimisti per il prosieguo della stagione. Siamo un team forte, lo abbiamo dimostrato e continueremo a dimostrarlo”.
Bruno Zirilli, navigatore: “Oggi abbiamo avuto due problemi. La messa a punto della barca in bolina e la penalità subita che ci ha relegato in fondo alla flotta, viceversa credo che nei laschi avremmo potuto recuperare posizioni”.
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, classifica dopo 8 regate
2. RAN (SWE) 21 pts
3. AZZURRA (ITA) 22 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 35 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 35 pts
6. RIO (USA) 45 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 48 pts
52 Super Series
Hydroptere : En route from San Francisco to Los Angeles
The Hydroptere has left San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge behind and is now en route for Los Angeles. Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay
Bol d'Or du Lac de Neuchâtel : GSMN Genolier de Michel Vaucher vainqueur
GSMN Genolier - winner. Image copyright Jean-François Hervo/TeamWork M2 Speed Tour
par TeamWork M2 Speed Tour media
Le voilier mené par Michel Vaucher s’est imposé cet après-midi au Bol d’Or du Lac de Neuchâtel, 3ème étape du TeamWork M2 Speed Tour. Le vainqueur boucle le parcours entre Grandson et Neuchâtel en 3h35.
Remporté alternativement par Team Parmigiani et TeamWork depuis 2009, la 27ème édition du Bol d’Or du lac de Neuchâtel connaît un nouveau vainqueur : le GSMN Genolier de Michel Vaucher. Douze catamarans M2 étaient présents pour cette troisième étape du championnat de la classe, le TeamWork M2 Speed Tour. Le départ a été donné à 11h00 précises ce matin, dans un flux de nord-est d’environ 8 nœuds.
Patrimonium,, Team Parmigian, GSMN Genolier et Tilt se sont rapidement démarqués après le départ, longeant la rive nord du lac en tirant des bords face au vent. Valruz Création, d’Yvan Bourgnon, est également bien parti mais il a été victime d’une avarie qui l’a contraint à faire toute la régate avec un ris dans sa grand-voile. Quant à SPAM, dont la drisse de grand-voile s’est cassée dix minutes après le départ, il a pour sa part abandonné, dans l’impossibilité de réparer en course.
À la hauteur d’Estavayer, une première transition vers du Joran a éloigné la flotte de la rive nord. GSMN Genolier a alors pris la tête peu avant le passage de la bouée de mi-parcours, devançant Patrimonium, en tête jusqu’alors.
Marqué à la culotte par ses poursuivants, l’équipage composé de Michel Vaucher, Grégoire Loth, Alexandre Detrey et Thierry Froidevaux, a été copieusement applaudi par les 450 passagers du Fribourg, un bateau spécialement affrété par le groupe Genolier.
Michel Vaucher et son équipage se sont ensuite laissés glisser au portant vers Estavayer, creusant l’écart d’avec le reste de la flotte. « Nous connaissons bien les schémas de ce lac, ce qui nous a aidés prendre l’avantage », a expliqué le skipper peu après sa victoire. « En plus, nous disposions d’un nouveau Gennaker qui nous a permis d’être très performants au portant alors que nous souffrions d’un déficit de vitesse la semaine pasée. »
L’équipage de GSMN Genolier a finalement parfaitement maîtrisé la transition en vent d’ouest à quelques kilomètres de la ligne d’arrivée, qu’il franchi après 3 h 30 de course avec une confortable avance sur Patrimonium.
Nicolas Rossier, skipper de ce dernier, est pour sa part content de son résultat : « Même si nous aurions préféré ne pas le voir s’éloigner, GSMN Genolier nous a servi de lièvre. L’observer nous a aidés à contrôler la flotte derrière nous. Nous avons très bien géré notre descente. C’est assez satisfaisant d’être parmi les premiers, et cette place donne une nouvelle tournure au classement général. »
Le classement général du TeamWork M2 speed est en effet chamboulé. Si Tilt conserve la première place à 1 point. GSMN prend la deuxième place, alors que 75ème Bol d'Or Mirabaud qui se retrouve 3ème.
Après cette régate, les catamarans M2 vont quitter le lac de Neuchâtel pour rejoindre le Léman. Plusieurs d’entre eux effectueront ce passage par voie aérienne. La prochaine étape du calendrier est la classique Genève-Rolle-Genève du Yacht-club de Genève, qui se déroulera le 8 juin.
Podium du Bol d’Or de Neuchâtel avant Jury:
1: GSMN Genolier
2: Patrimonium
Podium du TeamWork M2 Speed Tour après trois manches :
1: Tilt (10 pts)
2: GSMN Genolier (11 pts)
3: 75ème Bol d'Or Mirabaud (12 pts)
TeamWork M2 Speed Tour
Sunday, 26 May 2013
America's Cup : Red Bull Youth America's Cup teams discovered
This week on Discovered we report on the Red Bull Youth America's Cup Selection Series. We follow the young teams as they are put through their paces as they fight to secure a place in the Red Bull Youth America's Cup taking place this September on the San Francisco Bay. Don't miss wake up calls, gym sessions, on the water training and more.
America's Cup
America's Cup
Delta Lloyd Regatta : Gold and Silver for Australian sailors as Matthew Belcher extends winning run
Matthew Wearn in the Laser medal race. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
by Craig Heydon
by Craig Heydon
Australian sailors have won a gold and a silver
medal on the final day of the Delta Lloyd Regatta in Medemblik, Holland,
with 470 sailor Mathew Belcher extending his winning run to 15 straight
Four Australian crews qualified the final medal
races with Mathew Belcher and Will Ryan continuing their gold medal run
in the 470 men, while Matthew Wearn won silver in the Laser class. Tom
Burton finished just off the podium in fourth
in the Lasers with Jason Waterhouse and Lisa Darmanin sixth in the
Nacra 17.
Belcher and Ryan had been at the front of the 470
men’s fleet all week, winning seven of the 11 races, and with the
experimental point score system being used in Medemblik took a one point
lead over second place into the medal race.
The pair ensured that they remained unbeaten together, and
extended Belcher’s 18 month winning run, by finishing second in the final race and taking gold ahead of New Zealand and Croatia.
“The medal race was difficult with the course
positioned very close to shore and right off the shipping harbour
entrance,” said Belcher. “Will and I are really happy it worked out
today, we sailed well this week and battled it out over
the four days beforehand in temperatures under five degrees with rain
on most of the days.
“With this format anyone in the top six could win
and we saw today that in most cases the leader coming into the medal
race didn’t win,” he said. “For Will and I to win seven regattas in a
row is pretty amazing. It’s really great for us
as a new team and everyday on the water we’re learning something new.
Will Ryan, Mathew Belcher and Victor Kovalenko after winning gold in the 470 men. Image copyright Thom Touw
Belcher’s unbeaten run stretches back to winning the 2011 Australian 470 Championships with Malcolm Page in November 2011.
“To be undefeated for that long has been extremely
humbling,” said Belcher. “To perform at the top level over these events
hasn’t been easy and is a total credit to our coach Victor for keeping
us focused.”
Ryan said with the medal race being a lottery the pair had to focus on their own performance.
“Basically we had to approach the race as any other
because with the scoring system virtually any of the six boats could
win,” said Ryan. “In a way it was a tough situation, for Mat to have
worked so hard to be in a position with such an
impressive winning streak and for it to come down to one race.
“At the same time, the real focus today as usual
was on ourselves,” he said. “We had a game plan and were able to execute
it which is very satisfying for us as a team, and a positive way to end
the event.
“It’s great to be able to continue the strong
tradition of Australian 470s performances in Europe,” he said. “It’s
something which Mat and Mal Page demonstrated so well in the last
Olympic cycle and footsteps that I’m trying to follow.
Each regatta together has been an opportunity to develop another aspect
of our sailing together and this event was no exception.”
Matthew Wearn’s silver medal in the Laser class was
the 17 year old West Australian’s first podium finish in a European
regatta and continued his run of strong results in 2013.
Wearn went into the final six boat race in third
position, behind New Zealand’s Andy Maloney with fellow Australian Tom
Burton leading overall.
Burton had been the sailor to beat all week, with a
consistent series of results putting him into pole position heading
into the final race.
Wearn was first to the top mark, with Burton in
fourth and while the West Australian held his lead at the bottom gate
Burton was on the move, climbing to second. Wearn remained at the front
on the next upwind leg with Burton slipping back
through the fleet to round the top mark sixth.
Local sailor Rutger van Schaardenburg got past
Wearn in the final metres to claim gold, with Wearn winning silver and
Maloney bronze. Burton finished the week in fourth position.
“It feels great to finish off a solid trip to
Europe with a silver medal,” said Wearn. “I managed to link up a few
good shifts at the start to round the top for the first time with a 20
metre lead. The wind was shifting around dramatically
and the group quickly bunched back up and it was very tight between
three of us on the last downwind run to the finish.
“I managed to finish the race in second which left
me tied on points for first but ended up with silver on a count back,”
he said. “I feel that I’ve had a very solid start to the year. This has
been a great confidence boost for me and I
feel that my sailing has improved considerably in the last three months
in Europe.”
Sydney based cousins Jason Waterhouse and Lisa
Darmanin headed into the Nacra 17 medal race in fifth position, with the
pair looking to make it back-to-back podium finishes after winning
silver in Italy last week.
The pair sailed well all week, with just two results outside the top seven from the opening nine races.
Waterhouse and Darmanin finished the final race in
fifth position which saw them slip one spot from the start of the day to
end the week in sixth.
Those crews outside the top six in each class complete one final race on Saturday,
with the results leaving Josh McKnight and Nina Curtis, Euan McNicol
and Lucinda Whitty and Pip Pietromonaco and James Wierzbowski 14th, 15th
and 16th respectively in the Nacra 17 class.
In the Laser class Ryan Palk ended the week 13th, with Ashley Brunning 20th, Jared West 21st and Luke Elliott 40th. Matthew and Robert Crawford were eighth in the 470 men, ahead of Alexander and
Patrick Conway in 13th and Angus Galloway and Tim Hannah in 14th. In the 470 women Elise Rechichi and Sarah Cook were eighth, with Sasha and Jaime Ryan 11th.
Full results can be found at
For more information on the Australian Sailing Team visit
Delta Lloyd Regatta : Gold, Silver and Bronze for the NZL Sailing Team
Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie, Team Jolly, on their way to another Gold medal. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
by Jodie Bakewell-White
The NZL Sailing Team is back on the podium collecting three medals today in Medemblik, the Netherlands at 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta.
It is gold for Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie, silver for Paul Snow-Hansen and Daniel Willcox and bronze for Andy Maloney at round two of the inaugural EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup Series.
With seven race wins across eleven races sailed the reigning Olympic Champions Aleh and Powrie dominated the four days of qualifying and finals racing heading into today’s medal race in the lead. Yet, with a new scoring format, they needed more than ever to return a good result in today’s single race – they took another win, and secured the gold medal for New Zealand.
Aleh describes the day; “After a rather shaky start (we had support on shore cringing) we got right back in there to round the top mark in 3rd, then chipped away at the boats ahead. After a good little battle with the American girls, we took the lead half way up the last beat, and stayed ahead to win the race, and therefore the regatta overall.”
“Thanks to Simon Cooke for making it over here to coach us for this event - it’s been great to have a new set of eyes on the water.”
"We had a big rest after London and only raced at home for Sail Auckland. We are happy with the way we are going but there are lots of new faces and we will know where we are at when we race at the Worlds in July," says Aleh.
This is Aleh and Powrie’s second major European regatta since the London Olympic Games and they now head to France for the 2013 470 European Championship, building towards the 2013 470 World Championships on in La Rochelle, France from July 30- August 11.
With a gold medal at both Garda Olympic Week earlier this month and now here in Medemblik the kiwi pair appear to still have some magic – but as Aleh points out the World Championships will be the real test where a full turn out of the world’s best is expected.
New Zealand took another medal race win in Medemblik today with Paul Snow-Hansen and Daniel Willcox taking out the Men’s 470 race which featured the top six placed boats in a high pressure on-water battle.
The race win saw them leap from 4th position to take the silver medal in their event, not quite enough to overtake the Olympic Champ Matt Belcher who crossed in 2nd today to win gold for Australia.
With good consistency throughout the series, topped off with today’s medal race win, this performance from Snow-Hansen and Willcox indicates that they’re coming together nicely as a new combination. Like Aleh and Powrie they’re focussed on preparing for the 2013 World Championships around two months from now.
Once again the close rivalry in the Laser fleet produced a dramatic finish in today’s medal race where the standings were tipped on their head and overall leader Australia’s Tom Burton took a dive finishing last in the medal race, relegated to 4th overall and out of the medals. Meanwhile the gold went to local sailor Rutger van Schaardenburg who was lying 4th but won the medal race and the regatta.
New Zealand’s Andy Maloney sailed away with 4th place today which was enough to secure him a podium finish. Today’s bronze is Andy Maloney’s third medal for 2013 after winning gold at ISAF Sailing World Cup, Hyeres and also at EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup, Garda.
Team-mate Sam Meech took 3rd place in the medal race today and finished in 5th overall in another strong performance from the Tauranga sailor. Both Andy Maloney and Sam Meech are on the entry list for the next round of the EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup which heads to the UK for Sail for Gold Regatta on between 8 – 12 June. The 2013 Laser World Championships is on in Oman in November.
Maloney and Meech are also part of the NZL Sailing Team with Emirates Team New Zealand that will race for the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup in San Francisco this September.
EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup: Delta Lloyd Regatta
NZL Sailing Team final results
1st Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie, 470W
2nd Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox, 470M
3rd Andy Maloney, Laser
5th Sam Meech, Laser
Aspiring NZL Sailing Team…
15th James Turner and Carl Evans 470M
7th Natalia Kosinska RS:XW
Regatta website:
52 Super Series : Azzurra keeps on winning
Image copyright Jesus Renedo/Azzurra
by Giuliano Luzzatto
A bullet and a third place in today's two races consolidate Azzurra's leadership but the score table is still very tight: Quantum and Ran trail by, respectively, two and four points. The schedule for Sunday, 24 May calls for two races that will decide the Trofeo Conde de Godó in Barcelona.
After a delay waiting for the wind to build up, the race area off Barcelona was again blessed with a brisk southerly breeze that reached 20 knots and steep waves. The conditions brought the best out of the TP52's that were surfing the waves at 18 knots of speed.
In the first race, Azzurra led from the start, hitting the starting line with pace at the pin end and clear air. It held on to its lead until the end of the race, crossing the finish line ahead of Interlodge and Quantum that had a great comeback after receiving a penalty immediately after the start. In the second race, the breeze and waves got more intense and Rán was in command right from the start while behind her there were continuous lead changes. The TP52 of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda had a beautiful comeback from a difficult start and rounded the first weather mark behind Rán, fighting with Gladiator, Interlodge and, especially, Quantum. In the last run, Azzurra held a spectacular duel with the Americans. Azzurra passed Quantum after intense gybing duels, close coverings and nail-biting crossings but a minor glitch in the last gybe, handed Quantum the second place.
Alberto Roemmers' team has now consolidated its position at the top of the leaderboard, increasing its advantage over Quantum by one point. Tomorrow, the schedule calls for two races that will decide a tight score table where the three top boats are separated by just four points.
Quotes of the day
Guille Parada, skipper: “The first race was perfect from the start and Vasco always positioned us in control of the fleet and in phase with the wind shifts. The second one was tougher and more challenging, with a small error at the end that cost us the second place. However, third place was what we were expecting at the beginning of the last run, it was in fact a failed recovery. We can't complain, we increased our lead by one point and we knew since the start that the entire season would go to the wire in September. Tomorrow we have to go on the water relaxed.”
Tomislav Basic, strategist: "We have increased our advantage by one point at the top of a very tight leaderboard. This is the most important thing beyond the satisfaction with the victory in the first race and sorrow for a lost position in the second, which was however the result of a good fight with Quantum. Although we made a small mistake, I don’t see any major problems, the starts are good, we have good boat speed and crew work. We are calm and confident in ourselves.”
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, results after 7 races
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 15 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 19 pts
4. INTERLODGE (USA) 29 pts
5. GLADIATOR (GBR) 32 pts
6. RIO (USA) 41 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 43 pts
In Italian:
Un primo e un terzo posto di giornata consolidano la leadership di Azzurra, ma la classifica è cortissima: Quantum e Ran sono dietro rispettivamente di 2 e 4 punti. Domenica 26 maggio le ultime due prove, decisive per assegnare il Trofeo Conde de Godò di Barcellona.
Dopo un inizio ritardato a causa della bonaccia, il campo di regata davanti a Barcellona ha offerto un vento fresco da sud che è andato a crescere fino a 20 nodi con onda ripida, situazione nella quale i sette TP52 hanno dato prova di tutta la loro spettacolarità, planando al lasco a oltre 18 nodi di velocità. Nella prima prova Azzurra ha dominato fin dal prestart, partendo indisturbata e lanciata sul pin per poi vincere per distacco su Interlodge e Quantum, autore di un grande recupero dopo aver svolto una penalità subito dopo la partenza. Nella seconda regata, con vento e onda ulteriormente in aumento, Ran si è imposto al comando fin dallo start, mentre dietro le posizioni si sono alternate ripetutamente. La barca dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda ha ottimamente recuperato una partenza difficile, girando la prima bolina dietro a Ran, combattendo con Gladiator, Interlodge e soprattutto con Quantum, con il quale ha ingaggiato una spettacolare battaglia nell’ultima poppa, dopo che gli americani avevano girato la bolina al secondo posto. Tra giochi di copertura, strambate, incroci al cardiopalma, Azzurra ha passato Quantum quando una piccola incertezza nell’ultima, ravvicinata, strambata che ha decretato il terzo posto per Azzurra lasciando il secondo agli americani.
Il team di Alberto Roemmers consolida comunque la sua leadership al vertice, aumentando di un ulteriore punto il suo vantaggio su Quantum. Domani sono previste le ultime due prove per definire la classifica finale, che vede i primi tre raggruppati in soli 4 punti.
Dichiarazioni del giorno
Guillermo Parada, skipper: “La prima regata è stata perfetta fin dalla partenza e Vasco ci ha sempre posizionato in controllo sulla flotta e in fase con i salti di vento. La seconda è stata più sofferta e combattuta, con un piccolo errore di manovra nel finale che ci è costato una posizione. Tuttavia il terzo posto era quello da cui provenivamo all’inizio dell’ultimo lato, è stato un mancato recupero. Non ci possiamo lamentare, abbiamo incrementato il vantaggio di un punto, sapevamo fin dall’inizio che l’intera stagione sarebbe stata sul filo di lana fino a settembre, domani andiamo in acqua tranquilli”.
Tomislav Basic, stratega: “Abbiamo incrementato di un punto il nostro vantaggio al vertice di una classifica molto corta, questa è la cosa più importante al di là della soddisfazione per la vittoria nella prima prova e del dispiacere per una posizione persa nella seconda, peraltro dopo una bella lotta con Quantum. Anche se abbiamo fatto un piccolo errore non vedo grossi problemi, le partenze sono buone, la velocità della barca c’è, così come l’intero equipaggio. Siamo tranquilli”.
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, classifica dopo 7 regate
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 15 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 19 pt
4. INTERLODGE (USA) 29 pts
5. GLADIATOR (GBR) 32 pts
6. RIO (USA) 41 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 43 pts
52 Super Series
by Giuliano Luzzatto
A bullet and a third place in today's two races consolidate Azzurra's leadership but the score table is still very tight: Quantum and Ran trail by, respectively, two and four points. The schedule for Sunday, 24 May calls for two races that will decide the Trofeo Conde de Godó in Barcelona.
After a delay waiting for the wind to build up, the race area off Barcelona was again blessed with a brisk southerly breeze that reached 20 knots and steep waves. The conditions brought the best out of the TP52's that were surfing the waves at 18 knots of speed.
In the first race, Azzurra led from the start, hitting the starting line with pace at the pin end and clear air. It held on to its lead until the end of the race, crossing the finish line ahead of Interlodge and Quantum that had a great comeback after receiving a penalty immediately after the start. In the second race, the breeze and waves got more intense and Rán was in command right from the start while behind her there were continuous lead changes. The TP52 of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda had a beautiful comeback from a difficult start and rounded the first weather mark behind Rán, fighting with Gladiator, Interlodge and, especially, Quantum. In the last run, Azzurra held a spectacular duel with the Americans. Azzurra passed Quantum after intense gybing duels, close coverings and nail-biting crossings but a minor glitch in the last gybe, handed Quantum the second place.
Alberto Roemmers' team has now consolidated its position at the top of the leaderboard, increasing its advantage over Quantum by one point. Tomorrow, the schedule calls for two races that will decide a tight score table where the three top boats are separated by just four points.
Quotes of the day
Guille Parada, skipper: “The first race was perfect from the start and Vasco always positioned us in control of the fleet and in phase with the wind shifts. The second one was tougher and more challenging, with a small error at the end that cost us the second place. However, third place was what we were expecting at the beginning of the last run, it was in fact a failed recovery. We can't complain, we increased our lead by one point and we knew since the start that the entire season would go to the wire in September. Tomorrow we have to go on the water relaxed.”
Tomislav Basic, strategist: "We have increased our advantage by one point at the top of a very tight leaderboard. This is the most important thing beyond the satisfaction with the victory in the first race and sorrow for a lost position in the second, which was however the result of a good fight with Quantum. Although we made a small mistake, I don’t see any major problems, the starts are good, we have good boat speed and crew work. We are calm and confident in ourselves.”
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, results after 7 races
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 15 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 19 pts
4. INTERLODGE (USA) 29 pts
5. GLADIATOR (GBR) 32 pts
6. RIO (USA) 41 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 43 pts
In Italian:
Un primo e un terzo posto di giornata consolidano la leadership di Azzurra, ma la classifica è cortissima: Quantum e Ran sono dietro rispettivamente di 2 e 4 punti. Domenica 26 maggio le ultime due prove, decisive per assegnare il Trofeo Conde de Godò di Barcellona.
Dopo un inizio ritardato a causa della bonaccia, il campo di regata davanti a Barcellona ha offerto un vento fresco da sud che è andato a crescere fino a 20 nodi con onda ripida, situazione nella quale i sette TP52 hanno dato prova di tutta la loro spettacolarità, planando al lasco a oltre 18 nodi di velocità. Nella prima prova Azzurra ha dominato fin dal prestart, partendo indisturbata e lanciata sul pin per poi vincere per distacco su Interlodge e Quantum, autore di un grande recupero dopo aver svolto una penalità subito dopo la partenza. Nella seconda regata, con vento e onda ulteriormente in aumento, Ran si è imposto al comando fin dallo start, mentre dietro le posizioni si sono alternate ripetutamente. La barca dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda ha ottimamente recuperato una partenza difficile, girando la prima bolina dietro a Ran, combattendo con Gladiator, Interlodge e soprattutto con Quantum, con il quale ha ingaggiato una spettacolare battaglia nell’ultima poppa, dopo che gli americani avevano girato la bolina al secondo posto. Tra giochi di copertura, strambate, incroci al cardiopalma, Azzurra ha passato Quantum quando una piccola incertezza nell’ultima, ravvicinata, strambata che ha decretato il terzo posto per Azzurra lasciando il secondo agli americani.
Il team di Alberto Roemmers consolida comunque la sua leadership al vertice, aumentando di un ulteriore punto il suo vantaggio su Quantum. Domani sono previste le ultime due prove per definire la classifica finale, che vede i primi tre raggruppati in soli 4 punti.
Dichiarazioni del giorno
Guillermo Parada, skipper: “La prima regata è stata perfetta fin dalla partenza e Vasco ci ha sempre posizionato in controllo sulla flotta e in fase con i salti di vento. La seconda è stata più sofferta e combattuta, con un piccolo errore di manovra nel finale che ci è costato una posizione. Tuttavia il terzo posto era quello da cui provenivamo all’inizio dell’ultimo lato, è stato un mancato recupero. Non ci possiamo lamentare, abbiamo incrementato il vantaggio di un punto, sapevamo fin dall’inizio che l’intera stagione sarebbe stata sul filo di lana fino a settembre, domani andiamo in acqua tranquilli”.
Tomislav Basic, stratega: “Abbiamo incrementato di un punto il nostro vantaggio al vertice di una classifica molto corta, questa è la cosa più importante al di là della soddisfazione per la vittoria nella prima prova e del dispiacere per una posizione persa nella seconda, peraltro dopo una bella lotta con Quantum. Anche se abbiamo fatto un piccolo errore non vedo grossi problemi, le partenze sono buone, la velocità della barca c’è, così come l’intero equipaggio. Siamo tranquilli”.
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, classifica dopo 7 regate
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 15 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 19 pt
4. INTERLODGE (USA) 29 pts
5. GLADIATOR (GBR) 32 pts
6. RIO (USA) 41 pts
7. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 43 pts
52 Super Series
52 Super Series : Azzurra under pressure
by 52 Super Series media
Although Azzurra lead into the final day of the Conde de Godo Trophy regatta after two fast, challenging races in fresh SE’ly winds Saturday, the defending 52 SUPER SERIES champions remain under consistently high pressure from Quantum Racing.
Indeed the American team got the better of Azzurra on the final run today, inflicting a small but perhaps telling psychological blow when they wrestled second place on the last gybe of the at the end of a fabulous, high speed duel which had raged back and forth from the last windward turn.
Winning the first race of the day with a significant margin over Austin Fragomen’s Interlodge, Azzurra looked to have gained control of Quantum Racing during the first beat of the second race and were set to consolidate their three points lead. But it went to the wire though, with the two gybing side by side for the finish line.
While Quantum Racing accelerated smoothly out of their turn, Azzurra stalled momentarily and could only make third.
After seven races Azzurra go into the final day of racing with two points in hand over Quantum Racing with Niklas Zennström’s Rán Racing in third, a further two points behind. Up to two races might be sailed Sunday.
Although Quantum Racing completed a solid day, returning a third and second, from the outside they appeared to make it more difficult than they wanted it to be. In both races they were, again, forced to be climbing up the fleet rather than getting into a position to be challenging for the lead at the first mark.
Immediately after the first start today they had to sail clear to take a penalty turn. In the second, Race 7, they made a well timed, fast start while Azzurra – this time – appeared to struggle off the line. But it was almost as if a magnetic field drew the two top boats together again and they locked horns with Azzurra from the middle of the first beat.
“ Little communications on the starting line got us in difficulties,” evaluated Ed Reynolds, Quantum Racing’s team director later, “You don’t have to make much of a mistake to be put into a position where you can’t execute your game plan. In this fleet the most critical thing is to set yourself up to win the first cross and you have to do a lot of things in a very short space of time perfectly for that to happen.”
In the strong, 18-22kts winds the pressure on the crews was relentless and the action intense. Rán Racing, world champions, are four points off the lead after their slightly inconsistent day pairing their win to a fifth in the first race. They could not match Azzurra’s early speed and then compounded their problems when they skiffed the top mark last time up and had to take a penalty.
Two races are scheduled to be sailed, weather permitting on Sunday, Azzurra needing to keep up their same level of consistency to be sure of burying their Barcelona hoodoo and winning in the Catalan capital.
Conde de Godo Trophy, 52 SUPER SERIES
Standings after 7 races:
1- Azzurra (ITA), (1-3-1-2-4-1-3) 15 points
2- Quantum Racing (USA), (3-1-2-4-4-3-2) 17 points
3- Rán (SWE), (2-4-3-1-3-5-1) 19 points
4- Interlodge (USA) (4-2-6-5-6-2-4) 29 points
5- Gladiator (GBR) (5-7-7-3-1-4-5) 32 points
6- Rio (USA) (7-6-5-6-5-6-6) 41 points
7- Provezza (TUR) (6-5-4-7-7-7-7) 43 points
Guillermo Parada (ARG) skipper-helm Azzurra (ITA): “We definitely knew that it was going to be tough and that we have to fight metre by metre for each race from now to September so we are prepared for that. Today in the first race Tommy (Tomislav Basic, starting helm) got us a very good start, we had the boat going quickly and that allowed us to sail clean and then once we were clear we just let the boat do the job and we were quick. In the second one we did not have a great start. I think it was a little bit of bad timing. And from there we are not in control of our own destiny. We had to fight, we managed to get up to second on the last run, but we made a small mistake on the finish line. We gybed with too little speed and that let Quantum through. Overall it is very tight, we were still the best boat of the day and extended our lead by one point.”
Ed Reynolds (USA) team director Quantum Racing (USA): “ We should have won a championship for the most boats passed. In the second race we got a pretty decent start, it didn’t work out for us in the middle of the course but then we went from fifth up to second in the next three legs, the guys are sailing brilliantly around the course but I think just the communication and terminology, these are some of the things when decisions have to be made so quickly, these are things we are still working through. But I like watching them sail around the course they are pretty strong.
“ I think Azzurra are great sailboat racers they have the same philosophy, to win the first cross. It seems at every event you go into the last day with these guys on virutally equal points so anyone can win the regatta. We really want to win this event.”
Adrian Stead (GBR) tactician Rán Racing (SWE): “I was very disappointed with the first race, we got a good start and just seemed to drop out of the game really, scrapping for fifth place. I dont think we had the boat quite well set up, we got ourselves into a bit of a bad lane and Azzurra put about seven to eight boat lengths on us really quickly then unfortunately we just clipped the top mark and had to do a penalty turn and dropped back to fifth at the finish.
I think we are the opportunist boat, four points off Azzurra and two off Quantum, we know we gave some points away today but we are still in with a shout.”
52 SUPER SERIES 2013 Event Calendar:
- Quantum Key West Race Week, Key West, Florida, January 20 – 25, 5 day WL racing, dual scoring IRC & 52 Super Series.
- 52 World Championship, Miami, Florida, March 5 - 9, 5 day WL racing, TP52s and IRC52s.
- Trofeo Conde de Godo, Barcelona, May 23 - 26, 4 day WL racing, IRC52s invited.
- Royal Cup, Ibiza, July 2 - 6, 4 day WL & 1 day Coastal, TP52s and IRC52s.
- Copa del Rey, Palma, July 29 - August 3, 6 day WL racing, dual scoring IRC & 52 Super Series.
- AUDI Week Of The Straits, Porto Cervo, September 10 – 14, 3 day WL & 2 day Coastal, TP52s and IRC52s.
D35 Vulcain Trophy : Les aléas d’Eole
Okalys-Corum won the only race today thanks to a good choice of tactics and strategy which paid off handsomely. Image copyright Loris von Siebenthal/Vulcain Trophy.
par Mélanie Tavernier
La première manche du Grand Prix LES AMBASSADEURS 2013 a débuté sur les chapeaux de roue.
Realstone et Oryx se sont vu attribuer un rappel individuel suite à un départ anticipé tandis qu’Ylliam-Comptoir-Immobilier a immédiatement pris la tête de la course suivi de près par Okalys-Corum et Ladycat powered by Spindrift racing.
Le multicoque skippé par Bertrand Demole a passé la porte au vent en tête et ensuite conservé son avance jusqu’au troisième passage de bouée mais c’est finalement Okalys-Corum qui s’écarte vers le côté opposé et l’emporte grâce à un choix de trajectoire opportun et stratégique qui s’est avéré payant.
Veltigroup n’a rien lâché et décroche une très belle deuxième place. Ylliam-Comptoir immobilier est troisième. Le passage de la ligne d’arrivée a été freiné par une soudaine chute du vent, les D35 ont péniblement terminé la course.
Ladycat powered by Spindrift racing, Zen Too et Nickel ont quand même tiré leur épingle du jeu tandis que le reste de la flotte restait très en arrière. Oryx pour qui c’était la première régate de la saison est arrivé hors temps.
La deuxième journée du Grand Prix LES AMBASSADEURS sera lancée demain à 11h.
Vulcain Trophy
America's Cup : A positive second day in San Francisco for Emirates Team New Zealand
Emirates Team New Zealand's AC72 on San Francisco Bay. Image copyright Chris Cameron/ETNZ
by ETNZ media
Emirates Team New Zealand completed their second day out on the America’s Cup racecourse today in what skipper Dean Barker described as “a really good day.”
Emirates Team New Zealand's AC72 on San Francisco Bay. Image copyright Chris Cameron/ETNZ
It was a typical San Francisco day on the water with up to 22 knots of wind at times and plenty of boats all getting a close up view of the three AC72′s foiling around the bay.
Emirates Team New Zealand's AC72 on San Francisco Bay. Image copyright Chris Cameron/ETNZ
The team was on the water for a good four hours running through a series of start drills and practice racing all with the aim of refining crew work and getting used to sailing the AC72 in the confines of the race course and learning the quirks of wind and current on the bay.
Emirates Team New Zealand's AC72 on San Francisco Bay. Image copyright Chris Cameron/ETNZ
A content Dean Barker concluded, “There was a little bit of getting used to the conditions again but all in all it was a really positive way to end a great week for the team.”
Emirates Team New Zealand's AC72 on San Francisco Bay. Image copyright Chris Cameron/ETNZ
Emirates Team New Zealand
America's Cup
Delta Lloyd Regatta : Thrill and Drama on Last Day!
Finn medal race. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
by Delta Lloyd Regatta media
The new format experienced in the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup with the emphasis put on the last medal race created the expected thrill and drama in the Delta Lloyd regatta in Medemblik.
Five of the earlier leaders have lost top place during the Medal race which have opened the field for the top six boats.
After winning seven races and dominating the RS:X fleet all week, Dorian van Rijsselberge (NED) suffered from a shift at the start of the Medal Race to fall behind the fleet and off the podium.
Pawel Tarnowski wins the RS:X men event after a second place in the Medal race. “I am very happy with my first victory in a RS:X senior event. This is my first season on the senior circuit and hope I can continue doing well at the European next summer. I won over great sailors here, Worlds champions, Gold medallists, this new system allows for all six sailors in the final to win and for me it worked well.”
Pawel Tarnowski wins the RS:X men. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
Second is Byron Kokalanis from Greece and third place goes to Julien Bontemps (FRA).
After consistent sailing all week, Flavia Tartaglini (ITA) wins the RS:X women event in the Delta Lloyd Regatta. "I came in the Medal race with a first place. For the Medal race we had a nice breeze, it was also tricky as close to shore with gusts and shifts. I manage to get a good start and lead for most of the race. In the end a third place was enough for me to keep the lead and win the title!"
Flavia Tartaglini (ITA) wins the RS:X women. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
Mayaan Davidovich (ISR) takes the Silver medal after finishing second in the Medal race. A victory in the Medal race for Blanca Manchon (ESP) brings her from 6th place to 3rd place.
Further in the day, the Laser Medal race continued to provide the drama expected from the new format. Early leader and World number 1 Tom Burton (AUS) lost his lead after a difficult medal race. This is the second time in a row that the Australian loses a regatta with this format, the first time in Garda. Taking the medal race was what needed Ruger van Schaardenburg to keep the title he had won last year in Medemblik. " I am very happy with my results and with the format. The medal race keeps opportunities opened for the top six, and for me it was a great opportunity."
Young Australian Matthew Wearn places second in the Medal race and takes Silver while Andy Maloney (NZL) goes down to third overall.
Laser medal race. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
It was an intense Medal Race for the top three in the Laser radial. Annalise Murphy (IRL) coming into third place in the Medal race, took the race and the victory on equal points with yesterday leader Alison Young, and Marit Bouwmeester (NED).
"I knew I had to give it all going into the Medal race, Alison and Marit are very strong and like me are good in these conditions. Of course I am happy with my victory but I don't think this format is very fair on the sailors. It is good to experiment but this is not the way to go."
Laser Radial medal race. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
Marit Bouwmeester (NED) keeps her second place while Alison Young (GBR) loses top place and have to settle for Bronze.
Mark Andrews wins his first major Finn event after an heart braking medal race where the overall lead changed hands several times. "It was down to the wire! I was able to make up some places using the guts and in the end it turned my way. It was very closed and I am very happy to have won this event!".
Piet-Jan Postma lost top place but is securing Silver. "I was not aggressive enough in this race!" said Postma. "I should have followed my own line without worrying about the other sailors."
Andrew Mills (GBR) won the Medal race with an impressive lead and narrowly takes the last place on the podium.
London Gold Medallists win the 470 in both the women and the men events. Early regatta leaders Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie (NZL) won the Medal race to take their second event in the season after winning the Garda Eurosaf event. "We had a big rest after London and only raced at home for Sail Auckland. We are happy with the way we are going but there are lots of new faces and we will know where we are at when we race at the Worlds in July."
Anne Haeger and Briana Provancha (USA) and Tina Mrak with Veronika Macarol (SLO) take Silver and Bronze.
Mat Belcher and Will Ryan (AUS) have added the 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta to their undefeated regatta series: "It was tricky today with lots of pressure and three laps. We are really concentrating on our performance and staying focussed and it is working well for us."
The New Zealanders Paul Snow-Hansen and Daniel Willcox win the Medal Race and take second place in front of Croatian team of Sime Fantela an Igor Marenic.
The Delta Lloyd regatta provided drama until the last moment. Nacra fleet favourites, Mandy Mulder and Thijs Visser (NED) had ended the opening series with an impressive lead. The Medal race seemed to go according to plan until a capsize on the last leg ended the Dutch podium chances!
“We have raced really well all week and know we are the best out there. Our capsize was unfortunate and still a “mystery”! We need to work out on what happened, so we can learn from it.” explains Mulder.
The situation suited the French teams who have been fighting for top place with the Dutch since the start of the season. They take the top two places with Moana Vaireaux and Manon Audinet winning Gold and Audrey Augereau and Mathieu Vandame the Silver medal. Renee Groeneveld and Karel Begeman (NED) are in third position.
“We had a great week with lots of wind. We are tired but happy to win. It is a pity for Mandy and Thijs, they have dominated all week and deserve a better place than that! The Nacra is a great boat, very fast and when we will have a carbon mast it will be the fastest boat around.” explained Moana Vaireaux.
The paralympic classes sailed two more races today. Megan Pascoe won the 2.4 title after wining the Miami OCR and placing in the top three in Palma and Hyères. “It was a tough regatta with lots of boats and great competition. It is good and more fun to race in a big fleet in the 2.4. I am used to sail in a shifty place so today it really helps. I could position well and take advantage of all the shifts.” Helena Lucas (GBR) takes Silver and Barend Kol (NED) the Bronze.
The French team of Bruno Jourdren finishes the week on a high. They have defended their Delta Lloyd regatta title on the last day after scoring top two results. The fleet was small but of high quality with the top 5 in the London Paralympics competing.
The Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup heads now to Great Britain for the Sail for Gold regatta.
Tracking available daily for all boats on the event website:
GKSS Spring Cup : Reuben Corbett (NZL) into Winners Round at Top of Group
Henrik Eyermann, as the only Swede through to the final rounds of the GKSS Spring Cup, has won himself an entry to Stena Match Cup Sweden
GKSS Spring Cup. Image copyright GKSSby GKSS media
The GKSS Spring Cup has started – with 20 knots of wind and 10 teams hungry to win and get the two entry tickets to Stena Match Cup Sweden. The best Swedish Team and the best international team will qualify for the World Tour event.
Spring Cup is decided in two Round Robin groups and the three best teams in each group continues to the Winners Round. There, the six teams all face each other and the four best teams go through to the Semi Finals. The winner in the Final wins a spot in the line up for Stena Match Cup Sweden.
17:45 The Danes in Group B go through to the Winners Round. Sehested, Viltoft and Ascenbrenner all advance and leave the Swedish teams behind. Skippers through to Winners Round starting tomorrow:
Reuben Corbett (NZL) – ISAF Rank 12
Nicolai Sehested (DEN) – ISAF Rank 14
Joachim Aschenbrenner (DEN) – ISAF Rank 17
Staffan Lindberg (FIN) – ISAF Rank 21
Rasmus Viltoft (DEN) – ISAF Rank 29
Henrik Eyermann (SWE) - ISAF Rank 156
17:00 Trying to do the math heading in to the last flight in Grooup B. Sehested has already secured a spot in the Winners Round with three wins. Viltoft can join him if he wins against Klitte, but other than that it’s getting tricky to make predictions. We could be looking at a tie between several teams and even the Swedish Youth America’s Cup Team who have one point after four races have a chance!
16:00 Three flights have been sailed in Group B and Nicolai Sehested (ISAF Rank 14) has a clean sheet with three straight wins. Behind him there is a three way tie between Viltoft, Aschenbrenner and Åkervall, all att one point so far. Group is an all Swedish/Danish affair and there is still a possibility for the Swedish teams to get through to the next round. They will meet in a Swedish derby in the next flight.
Flight 9: Viltoft v Aschenbrenner and Åkervall v Klitte
Flight 10: Klitte v Viltoft and Aschenbrenner v Sehested
13:30 Group A has been decided with Reuben Corbett as the winner with four straight wins followed by Staffan Lindberg at three points. The battle for third place went down to the wire between Viktor Ogeman and Henrik Eyermann in match that would give the winner a spot in the Winners Round. Eyermann got of to a good start but Ogeman was close behind. On the last leg Ogeman challenged and tried to overtake, covering Eyermann down to the finish line, and both teams struggled to keep their spinnakers flying but Eyermann managed to stay clear and take the win.
Corbett, Lindberg and Eyermann (ISAF ranked 156) through to the Winner Round. Stay tuned for reports about Group B.
Line up GKSS Spring Cup 2013
Reuben Corbett (NZL) – ISAF Rank 12
Nicolai Sehested (DEN) – ISAF Rank 14
Joachim Aschenbrenner (DEN) – ISAF Rank 17
Staffan Lindberg (FIN) – ISAF Rank 21
Viktor Ogeman (SWE) – ISAF Rank 28
Rasmus Viltoft (DEN) – ISAF Rank 29
Jakob Klitte (SWE) – ISAF Rank 69
Henrik Eyermann (SWE) - ISAF Rank 156
Nicklas Dackhammar (SWE) – ISAF Rank 341
Nils Åkervall (SWE) – Swedish Youth Team America’s Cup
(Nils Åkervall has replaced Charlie Ekberg at the helm of Swedish Youth Team America’s Cup)
Sailing Sweden
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