... and ETNZ cross the line first!
America's Cup
Saturday, 25 May 2013
America's Cup : Emirates Team New Zealand's SL33s
When the sailing time limit of 30 days expired for the AC72, Emirates Team New Zealand went back to (foiling) SL33s last December...
Emirates Team New Zealand
America's Cup
Emirates Team New Zealand
America's Cup
Finn World Masters : Kiwis Rule and Michael Maier takes fifth Finn World Masters title
Podium : Budzien-Maier-Lidecis. Image copyright Robert Deaves/Finn Class
by Robert Deaves
Final days are always difficult for organisers and competitors alike but the final day of the Finn World Masters in La Rochelle was made more difficult by the strong winds and early rain showers that swept through the area. Michael Maier (CZE)) took the world Masters title after winning the the medal race in style, while Andre Budzien (GER) took silver and Erik Lidecis (USA) the bronze.
The day began with the first final colour grouping races for all but the top 10. A much reduced fleet headed out into a solid 15-16 knot very cold breeze and were met by an approaching rainstorm. This ultimately led to a short postponement as the wind killed the wind and the sailors were left slopping around and shivering. However it soon came back but at a reduced strength and one very shifty race was held for Yellow and Blue fleets.
Medal race start. Image copyright Robert Deaves/Finn Class
Yellow fleet's start featured a large left hand shift just minutes before the gun with those at the pin almost laying the top mark on port tack. The wind was back up to 10-12 knots so it was fantastic sailing conditions with nice long waves downwind. The leading group of Ray Hall (NZL), Jan Eckert (SUI), Dirk Meid (GER), Piet Eckert (SUI) and Jurgen Eiermann (GER) had a full on battle around the course, eventually finishing in that order.
In the Blue fleet Karl Purdie (NZL) made it a Kiwi double by winning his second race of the series, leading from start to finish, from Uli Breuer (GER) and Franceso Faggiani (ITA). Both Purdie and Breuer paid a heavy price for failing to immediately retire from races on a second yellow flag penalty earlier in the week and both would otherwise have made the medal race. Purdie's scoreline of 4, 2, DNE, 1, 31, 1 is perhaps a warning that he will be a force for the future (though perhaps after reading the rules again).
First upwind leg in the medal race. Image copyright Robert Deaves/Finn Class
While the group races were rescheduled for the earlier start time of 10.30 to avoid the strongest of the forecast wind, the medal race was strangely rescheduled for later in the day so that it could be held in the river off the club when the tide had risen sufficiently to lay a course. This was so it could be watched by spectators. It was a gamble as the wind was forecast to rise all day and the Masters has a wind speed limit of 20 knots.
But the medal race got away at 15.30 after one general recall in well in excess of 20 knots. Sailed in the narrow channel just off the marina it was a gusty, shifty race that generally favoured the right side under the town. Regatta leader Michael Maier escaped from a poor start on the first attempt but made the best of the second start to lead round the entire race. Karel van Hellemond (NED) was flagged out of the start for infringing another boat's water and started last. However he was back in contention at the top mark and moved into a comfortable second place on the second upwind. Third place in the race finally went to Andre Budzien (GER) after a close battle with the chasing pack.
Second upwind leg of the medal race. Image copyright Robert Deaves/Finn Class
This all meant no overall change in the leading three boats with Maier taking a well deserved and record equalling fifth World Masters title after undoubtedly the toughest of all his five Masters titles. Budzien, the three times champion, took the silver while newcomer Erik Lidecis (USA) took the bronze after not really figuring in the medal race.
This year has featured the last ever entry at a Finn World Masters, with more and more sailors both qualifying by getting older and being attracted to the fleet by the level of competition. Next year the Finn World Masters heads to Sopot in Poland.
Final results top 10
1 CZE 1 Michael MAIER 10 (1)
2 GER 711 Andre BUDZIEN 17 (3)
3 USA 505 Erik LIDECIS 20 (4)
4 LTU 7 Tauras RYMONIS 25 (5)
5 NED 41 Karel VAN HELLEMOND 34 (2)
6 GER 193 Thomas SCHMIDT 34 (8)
7 GBR 2 Allen BURRELL 38 (6)
8 FRA 75 Laurent HAY 38 (7)
9 DEN 80 Michael STAAL 47 (9)
10 GBR 42 Adrian BRUNTON 59 (10)
Grand Masters: Andre Budzien (GER), Thomas Schmidt (GER), Michael Staal (DEN)
Grand Grand Masters: Henk de Jager (NED), Seppo Ajanko (FIN), Dirk Seret (AUS)
Legends: Friedrich Muller (GER), Minski Fabris (CRO), Howard Sellars (GBR)
Full results after day 5: http://www.srr-sailing.com/finn-world-master
Follow the racing online at the club website at: http://www.srr-sailing.com/finn-world-master/ as well as on www.finnclass.org and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Finn-Class/110408332633
Delta Lloyd Regatta : First Medals for the Skiffs
The Germans win the 49erFX title at Delta Lloyd Regatta. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
by Delta Lloyd Regatta media
The last day of finals in the second stage of the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup in Medemblik has been full on with the all schedule sailed in all classes. It was an important day as these last races will define the sailors qualified for the Medal races.
In the 49er and FX, the three medal races for the top eight have been scheduled at the end of racing today.
The FX completed two medal races on the three scheduled. With two wins, it is the German team of Tina Lutz and Susan Beucke who take the title.
“We had two really good races in tricky conditions so we are really proud! This is our first win in the 49ers! It has been a hard week with lots of problems and strong wind and with four races a day it was tough. Our next goal is the European in Denmark, so we will go and train in Kiel for a month and then try to sail good...sailing easy, keep it simple!”
Early leaders, Ida Marie Baad Nielsen and Marie Olsen (DEN) are taking Bronze. Silver is going to German team of Victoria Jurczok who started the medal race stage carrying six points from their opening series placing.
The Danes win Gold in the 49er. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
The Danish team of Jonas Warrer and Peter Lang took the title in the 49er after placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the medal races sailed in building breeze.
“It was a closed call, very tight in points and great to win. Now we go home to Aarhus where we will train for the Europeans and hope to win!”
David Evans and Ed Powys (GBR) won the last two races to change their Bronze into Silver. Julien D'Ortoli and Noe Delpech (FRA) settle for Bronze.
Today's racing has also selected the top six sailors for the Medal races on Saturday. The series placing is counting for one race in the Medal race stage and will be added to the Medal race score.
Flavia Tartaglini (ITA) leads the Women's RS:X class. Image copyright Thom Touw
Today's races didn't change much in the top rankings and the same sailors keep their lead in all classes at the exception of the RS:X women where Flavia Tartaglini (ITA) takes the first place from Hei Man Hayley Victoria Chan (HKG).
In some classes this means an increased lead for the top placers, however in tomorrow medal races, only the general position will count. Dorian van Rijsselberge (NED) who after winning seven races in the series has a 36 points lead over French man Julien Bontemps, will go in the Medal race with a 1st place and a one point lead over Bontemps.
The medal races are scheduled from 11 am Saturday and should deliver the expected drama.
How to follow the Delta Lloyd Regatta:
Tracking available daily for all boats on the event website.
Website: http://www.deltalloydregatta.org
by Delta Lloyd Regatta media
The last day of finals in the second stage of the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup in Medemblik has been full on with the all schedule sailed in all classes. It was an important day as these last races will define the sailors qualified for the Medal races.
In the 49er and FX, the three medal races for the top eight have been scheduled at the end of racing today.
The FX completed two medal races on the three scheduled. With two wins, it is the German team of Tina Lutz and Susan Beucke who take the title.
“We had two really good races in tricky conditions so we are really proud! This is our first win in the 49ers! It has been a hard week with lots of problems and strong wind and with four races a day it was tough. Our next goal is the European in Denmark, so we will go and train in Kiel for a month and then try to sail good...sailing easy, keep it simple!”
Early leaders, Ida Marie Baad Nielsen and Marie Olsen (DEN) are taking Bronze. Silver is going to German team of Victoria Jurczok who started the medal race stage carrying six points from their opening series placing.
The Danes win Gold in the 49er. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
The Danish team of Jonas Warrer and Peter Lang took the title in the 49er after placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the medal races sailed in building breeze.
“It was a closed call, very tight in points and great to win. Now we go home to Aarhus where we will train for the Europeans and hope to win!”
David Evans and Ed Powys (GBR) won the last two races to change their Bronze into Silver. Julien D'Ortoli and Noe Delpech (FRA) settle for Bronze.
Today's racing has also selected the top six sailors for the Medal races on Saturday. The series placing is counting for one race in the Medal race stage and will be added to the Medal race score.
Flavia Tartaglini (ITA) leads the Women's RS:X class. Image copyright Thom Touw
Today's races didn't change much in the top rankings and the same sailors keep their lead in all classes at the exception of the RS:X women where Flavia Tartaglini (ITA) takes the first place from Hei Man Hayley Victoria Chan (HKG).
In some classes this means an increased lead for the top placers, however in tomorrow medal races, only the general position will count. Dorian van Rijsselberge (NED) who after winning seven races in the series has a 36 points lead over French man Julien Bontemps, will go in the Medal race with a 1st place and a one point lead over Bontemps.
The medal races are scheduled from 11 am Saturday and should deliver the expected drama.
How to follow the Delta Lloyd Regatta:
Tracking available daily for all boats on the event website.
Website: http://www.deltalloydregatta.org
Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn : Victoire de Michael MAIER (CZE1)
Gold medallist Michael Maier (CZE) during the gold medal race for the Finn World Masters in La Rochelle. Image copyright Christophe Brecchi
par Céline Schatt
Après 5 jours de courses organisées par la Société des Régates Rochelaises, c'est le Tchèque Michael MAIER qui remporte le Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013, après une ultime course organisée aujourd'hui à la sortie du Port de La Rochelle.
Michael MAIER (CZE1) a donc remporté ce Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn après avoir remporté la Medal Race, une course courte disputée entre les dix meilleurs coureurs. La Société des Régates Rochelaises a voulu ramener le spectacle vers la ville et organiser une course spéciale, dans l'ancien champs des régates, à savoir entre les Minimes, la Tour Richelieu et le Mail. Michael MAIER conserve donc son titre, puisqu'il remporte ce Championnat du Monde pour la 4ème année consécutive.
Résumé du Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013 :
309 coureurs âgés de 39 à 78 ans et venant de 30 pays, s'étaient pré-inscrits pour participer au Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013 qui se déroulait à La Rochelle cette semaine.
Après 3 journées de jauge des bateaux et des voiles, et de confirmation des inscriptions, 285 coureurs de 29 nationalités se sont finalement engagés. Fons Van Gent, président des Masters l'avait annoncé : "Environ 10% des coureurs se désisteront pour des raisons professionnelles ou personnelles". Mais il ajoute : "C'est un double record historique, en nombre de participants et de nationalités représentées. Et il y a beaucoup d'inscrits dans la catégorie des Legends cette année." En effet, 25 coureurs âgés de 70 ans ou plus ont navigué aux côtés de 57 Grand Grand Masters âgés de 60 à 69 ans, 112 Grand Masters âgés de 50 à 59 ans et 91 Masters âgés de 40 à 49 ans.
La Société des Régates Rochelaises avait constitué une très belle équipe de bénévoles pour cet événement. Le Président du comité de course, l'Alsacien Pierre Lemaire, était entouré de deux bateaux viseurs, un bateau arrivée, trois bateaux juges et une quinzaine de bateaux sécurités. Avec les bénévoles engagés pour la jauge et les inscriptions, cela fait un dispositif total de plus de 75 personnes.
Après une manche d'entraînement annulée dimanche pour cause de vent trop violent, les 285 Finns se sont lancés lundi pour deux très belles courses d'une heure chacune environ. Les bateaux ont été répartis en deux flottes, jaune et bleue, afin de lancer des départs à 140 bateaux environ. L'Allemand Andrea Budzien a pris la tête des deux premières courses pour la flotte bleue tandis que l'Américain Erik Lidesic remportait les deux courses de la flotte jaune.
Le soir après les courses, les groupes jaune et bleu sont rebrassés, de manière à ce que tous les concurrents se rencontrent.
Le vent a oscillé toute la semaine entre 10 et 25 noeuds, 20 noeuds étant la force maximale de vent au-dessus de laquelle les coureurs de ce Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn ne souhaitaient pas naviguer, le Finn étant un bateau très lourd et difficile à resaler, surtout dans des conditions de vent fort et de mer agitée. La flotte des Masters Finn préfère généralement courir dans des conditions ensoleillées et plus légères.
Mardi, deux autres courses ont été lancées dans l'après-midi. La victoire a été plus disputée entre Andrea Budzien, Erik Lidesic, le Tchèque et vainqueur des trois dernières éditions, Michael Maier, et l'Anglais Paul Blowers. Le premier Français, Laurent Hay, ne navigue pas très loin derrière et s'accroche au top 10. Michel Audouin, coureur de la Société des Régates Rochelaises, revient en milieu de flotte après une première journée plus difficile, et entre dans le top 100.
Mercredi était le 3ème jour de courses, le jour du milieu de championnat, le jour des changements ! Une seule course a été lancée et remportée par Michael Maier, qui reprend également la tête du classement général, alors que les deux leaders des jours précédents, Andrea Budzien et Erik Lidesic font leur plus mauvais score, finissant respectivement à la 29ème place et à la 7ème place. Sur les 5 premières courses, le moins bon résultat n'est pas retenu au classement général. Ils restent donc également en tête du classement jusque-là. Déjà, la flotte des 10 coureurs de la Medal Race ("Course à la médaille") se dessine. Et la 4ème journée du Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013 n'y changera rien puisque malgré un espoir en milieu d'après-midi, Pierre Lemaire n'a pas pu lancer de courses ce jour-là, le vent soufflant avec des rafales de plus de 25 noeuds.
La Société des Régates Rochelaises a aussi voulu faire de cet événement un rassemblement convivial, la convivialité étant un élément essentiel, aux côtés de belles courses, des Championnats du Monde de Masters Finn. Malgré la pluie et le vent froid, les coureurs ont pu apprécier des soirées régionales, pastas et autres barbecue parties au chaud, dans le club de la SRR.
Aujourd'hui, une dernière course a été lancée pour l'ensemble de la flotte, dès 10h30 ce matin. L'horaire avait été avancé et les bénévoles étaient sur le pont dès 8h30, pour profiter du vent plus léger de ce matin. Les 10 coureurs de la Medal Race se sont ensuite réunis sur la cale de mise à l'eau avant de prendre un départ spectaculaire à la sortie du chenal du Port de La Rochelle. Les conditions étaient plus musclées que ce matin, le vent soufflant de secteur Ouest avec des pointes à 30 noeuds. La journée s'est terminée sur une belle remise des prix et quelques coureurs ont déjà repris la route...
Finn World Masters podium. Image copyright Christophe Breschi
Classement général :
1. Michael MAIER - CZE1
2. Andrea BUDZIEN - GER711
3. Erik LIDESIC - USA505
4. Tauras RYMONIS - LTU7
6. Thomas SCHMIDT - GER193
7. Allen BURRELL - GBR2
8. Laurent HAY - FRA75
9. Michael STAAL - DEN80
10. Adrian BRUNTON - GBR642
Classement Legends (25 coureurs)
1. Friedrich MULLER - GER146
2. Fabris MINSKI - CRO1
3. Howard SELLARS - GBR77
Classement Grand Grand Masters (57 coureurs)
1. Henk DE JAGER - NED11
2. Seppo AJANKO - FIN112
3.Dirk SERET - AUS8
Classement Grand Masters (112 coureurs)
1. Andrea BUDZIEN - GER711
2. Thomas SCHMIDT - GER193
3. Michael STAAL - DEN80
Classement Masters (91 coureurs)
1. Michael MAIER - CZE1
2. Erik LIDESIC - USA505
3. Tauras RYMONIS - LTU7
Retrouvez tous les résultats sur le site officiel de l'épreuve www.finnworldmaster2013.com
Le Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2014 se déroulera à Sopot en Pologne. Les coureurs ont un peu plus d'un an pour s'entraîner, avant de se retrouver à nouveau.
La Société des Régates Rochelaises accueillera prochainement les Championnats du Monde de 470, aux mois de Juillet / Août et la Semaine Olympique Française au mois d'Octobre. Deux très beaux événements à venir, avec plusieurs centaines de coureurs et de très nombreuses nationalités représentées.
par Céline Schatt
Après 5 jours de courses organisées par la Société des Régates Rochelaises, c'est le Tchèque Michael MAIER qui remporte le Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013, après une ultime course organisée aujourd'hui à la sortie du Port de La Rochelle.
Michael MAIER (CZE1) a donc remporté ce Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn après avoir remporté la Medal Race, une course courte disputée entre les dix meilleurs coureurs. La Société des Régates Rochelaises a voulu ramener le spectacle vers la ville et organiser une course spéciale, dans l'ancien champs des régates, à savoir entre les Minimes, la Tour Richelieu et le Mail. Michael MAIER conserve donc son titre, puisqu'il remporte ce Championnat du Monde pour la 4ème année consécutive.
Résumé du Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013 :
309 coureurs âgés de 39 à 78 ans et venant de 30 pays, s'étaient pré-inscrits pour participer au Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013 qui se déroulait à La Rochelle cette semaine.
Après 3 journées de jauge des bateaux et des voiles, et de confirmation des inscriptions, 285 coureurs de 29 nationalités se sont finalement engagés. Fons Van Gent, président des Masters l'avait annoncé : "Environ 10% des coureurs se désisteront pour des raisons professionnelles ou personnelles". Mais il ajoute : "C'est un double record historique, en nombre de participants et de nationalités représentées. Et il y a beaucoup d'inscrits dans la catégorie des Legends cette année." En effet, 25 coureurs âgés de 70 ans ou plus ont navigué aux côtés de 57 Grand Grand Masters âgés de 60 à 69 ans, 112 Grand Masters âgés de 50 à 59 ans et 91 Masters âgés de 40 à 49 ans.
La Société des Régates Rochelaises avait constitué une très belle équipe de bénévoles pour cet événement. Le Président du comité de course, l'Alsacien Pierre Lemaire, était entouré de deux bateaux viseurs, un bateau arrivée, trois bateaux juges et une quinzaine de bateaux sécurités. Avec les bénévoles engagés pour la jauge et les inscriptions, cela fait un dispositif total de plus de 75 personnes.
Après une manche d'entraînement annulée dimanche pour cause de vent trop violent, les 285 Finns se sont lancés lundi pour deux très belles courses d'une heure chacune environ. Les bateaux ont été répartis en deux flottes, jaune et bleue, afin de lancer des départs à 140 bateaux environ. L'Allemand Andrea Budzien a pris la tête des deux premières courses pour la flotte bleue tandis que l'Américain Erik Lidesic remportait les deux courses de la flotte jaune.
Le soir après les courses, les groupes jaune et bleu sont rebrassés, de manière à ce que tous les concurrents se rencontrent.
Le vent a oscillé toute la semaine entre 10 et 25 noeuds, 20 noeuds étant la force maximale de vent au-dessus de laquelle les coureurs de ce Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn ne souhaitaient pas naviguer, le Finn étant un bateau très lourd et difficile à resaler, surtout dans des conditions de vent fort et de mer agitée. La flotte des Masters Finn préfère généralement courir dans des conditions ensoleillées et plus légères.
Mardi, deux autres courses ont été lancées dans l'après-midi. La victoire a été plus disputée entre Andrea Budzien, Erik Lidesic, le Tchèque et vainqueur des trois dernières éditions, Michael Maier, et l'Anglais Paul Blowers. Le premier Français, Laurent Hay, ne navigue pas très loin derrière et s'accroche au top 10. Michel Audouin, coureur de la Société des Régates Rochelaises, revient en milieu de flotte après une première journée plus difficile, et entre dans le top 100.
Mercredi était le 3ème jour de courses, le jour du milieu de championnat, le jour des changements ! Une seule course a été lancée et remportée par Michael Maier, qui reprend également la tête du classement général, alors que les deux leaders des jours précédents, Andrea Budzien et Erik Lidesic font leur plus mauvais score, finissant respectivement à la 29ème place et à la 7ème place. Sur les 5 premières courses, le moins bon résultat n'est pas retenu au classement général. Ils restent donc également en tête du classement jusque-là. Déjà, la flotte des 10 coureurs de la Medal Race ("Course à la médaille") se dessine. Et la 4ème journée du Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2013 n'y changera rien puisque malgré un espoir en milieu d'après-midi, Pierre Lemaire n'a pas pu lancer de courses ce jour-là, le vent soufflant avec des rafales de plus de 25 noeuds.
La Société des Régates Rochelaises a aussi voulu faire de cet événement un rassemblement convivial, la convivialité étant un élément essentiel, aux côtés de belles courses, des Championnats du Monde de Masters Finn. Malgré la pluie et le vent froid, les coureurs ont pu apprécier des soirées régionales, pastas et autres barbecue parties au chaud, dans le club de la SRR.
Aujourd'hui, une dernière course a été lancée pour l'ensemble de la flotte, dès 10h30 ce matin. L'horaire avait été avancé et les bénévoles étaient sur le pont dès 8h30, pour profiter du vent plus léger de ce matin. Les 10 coureurs de la Medal Race se sont ensuite réunis sur la cale de mise à l'eau avant de prendre un départ spectaculaire à la sortie du chenal du Port de La Rochelle. Les conditions étaient plus musclées que ce matin, le vent soufflant de secteur Ouest avec des pointes à 30 noeuds. La journée s'est terminée sur une belle remise des prix et quelques coureurs ont déjà repris la route...
Finn World Masters podium. Image copyright Christophe Breschi
Classement général :
1. Michael MAIER - CZE1
2. Andrea BUDZIEN - GER711
3. Erik LIDESIC - USA505
4. Tauras RYMONIS - LTU7
6. Thomas SCHMIDT - GER193
7. Allen BURRELL - GBR2
8. Laurent HAY - FRA75
9. Michael STAAL - DEN80
10. Adrian BRUNTON - GBR642
Classement Legends (25 coureurs)
1. Friedrich MULLER - GER146
2. Fabris MINSKI - CRO1
3. Howard SELLARS - GBR77
Classement Grand Grand Masters (57 coureurs)
1. Henk DE JAGER - NED11
2. Seppo AJANKO - FIN112
3.Dirk SERET - AUS8
Classement Grand Masters (112 coureurs)
1. Andrea BUDZIEN - GER711
2. Thomas SCHMIDT - GER193
3. Michael STAAL - DEN80
Classement Masters (91 coureurs)
1. Michael MAIER - CZE1
2. Erik LIDESIC - USA505
3. Tauras RYMONIS - LTU7
Retrouvez tous les résultats sur le site officiel de l'épreuve www.finnworldmaster2013.com
Le Championnat du Monde de Masters Finn 2014 se déroulera à Sopot en Pologne. Les coureurs ont un peu plus d'un an pour s'entraîner, avant de se retrouver à nouveau.
La Société des Régates Rochelaises accueillera prochainement les Championnats du Monde de 470, aux mois de Juillet / Août et la Semaine Olympique Française au mois d'Octobre. Deux très beaux événements à venir, avec plusieurs centaines de coureurs et de très nombreuses nationalités représentées.
Delta Lloyd Regatta : Australian sailors to race for gold in Holland
Waterhouse and Darmanin will race for gold in Holland. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
by Craig Heydon
by Craig Heydon
Four Australian crews will race
for gold in three classes at the 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta following
another day of good results in Medemblik, Holland.
Mathew Belcher and Will Ryan
will contest the 470 men’s medal race with Tom Burton and Matthew Wearn
making the top six in the Laser class and Jason Waterhouse and Lisa
Darmanin to race for medals in the Nacra 17.
Sailors again faced challenging
conditions in Medemblik as the temperature dropped to just three degrees
on the water with a strong breeze adding to the discomfort.
On Saturday
Belcher and Ryan will be out to continue their 100 per cent winning
record together and extend Belcher’s unbeaten streak, which stretches
back to November 2011.
The pair got off to the perfect start on Friday
with back-to-back wins ensuring they would head into the medal race
first overall. Belcher and Ryan won seven of the 10 races, with the
points gap allowing them to sit out
the third and final race of the day and still be first overall.
The point score system being
used at this event sees the top six head into the final race, with their
points from four days of racing being wiped and replaced with a point
based on their current position. This means that
Belcher and Ryan will carry one point into the race and the sixth
placed French crew will take through six, which will be added to their
finishing place on Saturday to determine the medallists.
“It was another good day for us
today, the conditions again were very testing with temperatures of three
or four degrees and rain,” said Belcher. “Today we had a lot of rain
squalls come through which made the racing
difficult. With large shifts and pressure differences the racing was
entertaining with the committee doing a good job with what they had.
“The breeze was getting quite
strong towards the end of the second race, up above 25 knots,” he said.
‘We made the decision to save our equipment and head in, It’s always a
nice position to be in if you can do this.
We’ll see how we end up after the medal race tomorrow.”
Men's 470 crew Matthew Belcher and Will Ryan will race for gold. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
Tom Burton and Matthew Wearn
made sure there would be two Australian boats in the Laser medal race
with another consistent day of racing.
Burton will head into the final in first position following a second, a 14th and a third on Friday, while Wearn was on the move, climbing from his overnight fifth to be third overall.
Wearn was sixth in the opening
race of the day, before finishing eighth in race two and second in race
three and will head into the medal race just behind Burton and Andy
Maloney of New Zealand.
“We started
off in a bit of a softer patch today and I used some nice shifts and
finished the race second,” said Burton. “The breeze picked up for the
next race and after a lot of sitting around
shivering we got away, I didn’t have the best of starts and ended up
using my drop with a 14th. In the last race I ended up getting a third with Andy Maloney fourth, leaving me in front on the scoreboard by one point.
“Going into tomorrow
I’m feeling good about how I’m sailing even though I haven’t won a race
all week,” he said. “The worst outcome with this point score system
happened to me last week in Garda so I’ll be trying to redeem
myself from that a little, but as usual with just one race anything can
happen so I’ll just try and sail well and see what happens.
“This new system places a lot of
pressure on the guys leading and very little pressure on the guys
behind,” he said. “So it’s about trying to minimise the risk and still
take some risks at the same time because the guys
behind who can still win will put it all on the line for the big prize.
I’m sure there will be some frustrating moments to come tomorrow.”
Jason Waterhouse and Lisa
Darmanin will be out to make it a second straight medal in the new Nacra
17 class, with the pair heading into the final in fifth position.
Waterhouse and Darmanin were over the line early in race one before finishing 13th in race two and fourth in the final race of the day, securing themselves a place in the final.
“It was another tough day on the
water, not only with freezing temperatures but shifty, gusty,
conditions making for challenging racing,” said Darmanin. “We were happy
with our overall speed today which was a good improvement
from yesterday. However, we struggled to keep our heads out of the
boat in the first two races, which lead to some not so good results.
“The last race was better and we
got off the line nicely, had great speed and were more proactive with
our strategy,” she said. “This regatta has been a great learning
experience, we’ve learnt a lot about the boat in
regards to what works well and what doesn’t in the choppy and windy
conditions. We’re looking forward to our second medal race in the Nacra
17 with the experimental format allowing for anything to happen.”
Josh McKnight and Nina Curtis were the next best placed Australians in 15th
overall, one place ahead of Euan McNicol and Lucinda Whitty with Pip
Pietromonaco and James Wierzbowski finishing their first Nacra
17 regatta in 17th.
Elise Rechichi and Sarah Cook
finished their second European 470 women’s event in eighth overall,
picking up their best result of the week in Friday’s opening race, a
second. Fellow Australians Sasha and Jaime Ryan were
11th overall.
In the Laser class Ryan Palk ended the week in 14th overall, with Ashley Brunning 17th, Jared West 19th and Luke Elliott 37th.
Matthew and Robert Crawford had
their best day of the regatta in the 470 men’s fleet with a sixth and
two sevenths moving them into eighth overall. Angus Galloway and Tim
Hannah finished 13th with Alexander
and Patrick Conway 15th.
For more information on the Australian Sailing Team visit
America's Cup : Images of Emirates Team New Zealand and others in AC72 on San Francisco Bay
Emirates Team New Zealand, ORACLE TEAM USA and Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 (Prada) training in AC72s on San Francisco Bay
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
America's Cup
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Image copyright ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
America's Cup
Mauritius Regatta : François Gabart and SOL's - Winners of the First Edition of the Mauritius Regatta
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
by Coralie Rassinoux
It has been 5 days of excellent sailing conditions experienced by the teams on the six boats of the Mauritius Regatta ! With the first two competitors in a tie last night and the small gap between the first four boats, today’s leg was key for the final win between the capital of Port Louis and Black River.
There was a radical change in the weather conditions today as the boats had to use their engine to get away from Port Louis and get some wind at half-course where the race committee gave the start to the fifth and final leg in a light breeze which, thankfully rose to 15 knots early afternoon. There was extreme tension on the start line and all through the race as SOL’S and Champagnes Nicolas Feuillatte (Bateau 20° Sud) were in the lead with the same number of points before the start. Today was the day to win the Mauritius Regatta!
Caught up in the game of this race new to him, François Gabart, winner of the Vendée Globe 2012/13 crossed the start line too early and had to do a penalty. Michel Bourgeois, replacement skipper of Michel Desjoyeaux who had to leave a day early for the Solitaire du Figaro, found himself match racing with some of the biggest names in sailing. After 20 miles upwind when the competitors flirted with the coral reef and its rollers, Romain Attanasio onboard the Balise Marina/Investec finally got his win just 12 seconds before second-placed François Gabart!
Today’s podium was completed by Champagnes Nicolas Feuillatte (Bateau 20° Sud) followed by Fondéole, Yacht Management and MTPA.
In the overall ranking, there is only one point between first and second and two points between second and third. SOL’S team and its skipper François Gabart are the first winners of the Mauritius Regatta !
This beautiful first edition has shun light on the superb Maurician coasts which proved to be an excellent playfield for the professional skippers who had the chance to discover the charms of the island.
The Mauritius Regatta would like to thank all of its partners who made the first edition of the Mauritius Regatta possible and moreover a success, in particular our main parnters La Balise Marina, the MTPA and Yacht Management. Thank you to our official suppliers too : Champagnes Nicolas Feuillatte, Domaine de Souviou, Domaine de la Bourdonnais, Bastide du Laval, 727 sailbags, RALF TECH watches, SEALEGS, BOI as well as the hotels who hosted us: LUX* Le Morne, Suffren, 20° Sud, Paradise Cove Boutique Hotel managed by Attitude and Sofitel Méridien.
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
24/05/2013 - Ranking
2. SOL’S François GABART
6. MTPA (female boat) Dee CAFFARI
Final overall ranking
1. SOL’S François GABART
6. MTPA (female boat) Dee CAFFARI
For more information, please visit www.themauritiusregatta.com
by Coralie Rassinoux
It has been 5 days of excellent sailing conditions experienced by the teams on the six boats of the Mauritius Regatta ! With the first two competitors in a tie last night and the small gap between the first four boats, today’s leg was key for the final win between the capital of Port Louis and Black River.
There was a radical change in the weather conditions today as the boats had to use their engine to get away from Port Louis and get some wind at half-course where the race committee gave the start to the fifth and final leg in a light breeze which, thankfully rose to 15 knots early afternoon. There was extreme tension on the start line and all through the race as SOL’S and Champagnes Nicolas Feuillatte (Bateau 20° Sud) were in the lead with the same number of points before the start. Today was the day to win the Mauritius Regatta!
Caught up in the game of this race new to him, François Gabart, winner of the Vendée Globe 2012/13 crossed the start line too early and had to do a penalty. Michel Bourgeois, replacement skipper of Michel Desjoyeaux who had to leave a day early for the Solitaire du Figaro, found himself match racing with some of the biggest names in sailing. After 20 miles upwind when the competitors flirted with the coral reef and its rollers, Romain Attanasio onboard the Balise Marina/Investec finally got his win just 12 seconds before second-placed François Gabart!
Today’s podium was completed by Champagnes Nicolas Feuillatte (Bateau 20° Sud) followed by Fondéole, Yacht Management and MTPA.
In the overall ranking, there is only one point between first and second and two points between second and third. SOL’S team and its skipper François Gabart are the first winners of the Mauritius Regatta !
This beautiful first edition has shun light on the superb Maurician coasts which proved to be an excellent playfield for the professional skippers who had the chance to discover the charms of the island.
The Mauritius Regatta would like to thank all of its partners who made the first edition of the Mauritius Regatta possible and moreover a success, in particular our main parnters La Balise Marina, the MTPA and Yacht Management. Thank you to our official suppliers too : Champagnes Nicolas Feuillatte, Domaine de Souviou, Domaine de la Bourdonnais, Bastide du Laval, 727 sailbags, RALF TECH watches, SEALEGS, BOI as well as the hotels who hosted us: LUX* Le Morne, Suffren, 20° Sud, Paradise Cove Boutique Hotel managed by Attitude and Sofitel Méridien.
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
24/05/2013 - Ranking
2. SOL’S François GABART
6. MTPA (female boat) Dee CAFFARI
Final overall ranking
1. SOL’S François GABART
6. MTPA (female boat) Dee CAFFARI
For more information, please visit www.themauritiusregatta.com
52 Super Series : Azzurra Holds on to Lead
Azzurra. Image copyright Xaume Olleros/52SuperSeries
by Giuliano Luzzetta
The TP52 of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda maintains its leadership despite a technical problem that put a strain on its performance.
Two exciting races were held today on the waters off Barcelona under a fresh southerly breeze that started at 15 knots and increased to gusts that reached 25 knots during the day's second race. The strong winds and steep chop they created made conditions onboard the TP52's challenging and wet.
The first race was dominated from the start by Azzurra but a broken winch inevitably caused difficulties when gybing the huge gennaker, giving Ran, that was chasing close behind, the possibility to overtake in the last gybe a few meters from the finish line. The second race saw Azzurra recover well after an average start where she suffered from Interlodge's dirty air. The close battle with the race leader, Gladiator, and Ran during the first run reached its climax at the second windward mark: Azzurra, on starboard tack, couldn't avoid suffering from the errors of her competitors - which tacked early on the lay line - and found herself squeezed while Quantum was closing in, at full pace. Those two lost boat lengths proved fatal and Azzurra slipped to fourth place. Gladiator went on to take the race, followed by Quantum and Ran. It was a difficult day for Alberto Roemmers’ yacht but positive overall.
Quotes of the day
Guillermo Parada, skipper: “I think we had two good races. Unfortunately, the few errors we committed and the small breakages we suffered resulted in a score table that doesn't reflect how we sailed. The important factor is that Quantum haven't been able to gain any points on us. ”
Vasco Vascotto, tactician: “In the first race we finished second instead of first. The winch problem will be resolved, these are things that can happen. The second race hurts more because we paid the price of errors that others committed. However, I find very positive the fact that in a tough day our point tally is equal to that of our direct pursuers."
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, results after 5 races
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 11 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 13 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 23 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 23 pts
6. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 29 pts
7. RIO (USA) 29 pts
52 Super Series – 2013 Racing Schedule
20 - 25 January – Quantum Key West Race Week
5 - 9 March - Gaastra 52 World Championship, Miami
23- 26 May - 40th Trofeo Conde de Godo, RCNB, Barcelona
3 - 6 July - Royal Cup, Ibiza
29 July - 3 August - Copa del Rey, RCNP, Palma de Mallorca
10-14 September – Audi Settimana delle Bocche, YCCS, Porto Cervo
Guillermo Parada – Skipper/ Helmsman
Vasco Vascotto - Tactician
Tomislav Basic - Strategist
Bruno Zirilli - Navigator
Paul Westlake - Mainsail
Mariano Caputo - Bowman
Juan Pablo Marcos - Midbow
David Vera - Pitman
Maciel Cichetti - Trimmer
Mariano Parada - Trimmer
Simon Fry - Trimmer
Gabriel Marino - Grinder
Alejandro Colla – Grinder
Nicola Pilastro - Grinder
Boat Captain: Pedro Rossi
Coach: Guillermo Baquerizas
Physical trainer: Inigo Losada
Owner: Mr. Alberto Roemmers
In Italian:
Il TP52 dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda mantiene la leadership della 52 Super Series, nonostante un problema tecnico ne abbia limitato le performance.
Nelle acque antistanti Barcellona si sono svolte oggi due prove con vento fresco da sud, che dai 15 nodi iniziali è andato a crescere con raffiche fino a 25 nella seconda prova, sollevando un’onda ripida e rendendo le condizioni a bordo dei TP52 impegnative e bagnate. La prima regata è stata dominata da Azzurra sin dalla partenza, ma la rottura di un winch ha causato una inevitabile difficoltà a strambare l’enorme gennaker, consentendo a Ran che inseguiva di passare proprio all’ultima strambata a pochi metri dal traguardo. La seconda prova ha visto Azzurra recuperare ottimamente dopo una partenza in cui ha subito i rifiuti d’aria di Interlodge. La battaglia ravvicinata con il leader della prova, Gladiator, e con Ran durante tutto il primo lato di poppa ha avuto il suo culmine alla seconda boa di bolina: Azzurra, mure a sinistra, non può che subire gli errori di manovra degli altri – che virano in anticipo sulla lay line – e si trova impacchettata mentre sopraggiunge Quantum, libero da ingaggi. Quelle due lunghezze perse si rivelano fatali, e dal secondo scivola al quarto posto. Gladiator va a vincere seguito da Quantum e Ran. Per la barca armata da Alberto Roemmers una giornata difficile ma tutto sommato positiva.
Dichiarazioni del giorno
Guillermo Parada, skipper: “Abbiamo fatto due belle regate, nonostante tutto. Purtroppo qualche minima incertezza e la rottura del winch primario destro sono state pagate più di quanto ci meritassimo, in realtà abbiamo regatato bene. La cosa importante è che Quantum non sia riuscito a guadagnare punti su di noi.”
Vasco Vascotto, tattico: “Nella prima regata abbiamo fatto secondi anziché primi, il problema al winch verrà risolto, son cose che possono capitare. Brucia di più la seconda prova perché abbiamo pagato per errori altrui, ma ritengo molto positivo che in una giornata difficile abbiamo ottenuto lo stesso punteggio dei nostri inseguitori diretti”.
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, classifica dopo 5 regate
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 11 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 13 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 23 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 23 pts
6. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 29 pts
7. RIO (USA) 29 pts
by Giuliano Luzzetta
The TP52 of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda maintains its leadership despite a technical problem that put a strain on its performance.
Two exciting races were held today on the waters off Barcelona under a fresh southerly breeze that started at 15 knots and increased to gusts that reached 25 knots during the day's second race. The strong winds and steep chop they created made conditions onboard the TP52's challenging and wet.
The first race was dominated from the start by Azzurra but a broken winch inevitably caused difficulties when gybing the huge gennaker, giving Ran, that was chasing close behind, the possibility to overtake in the last gybe a few meters from the finish line. The second race saw Azzurra recover well after an average start where she suffered from Interlodge's dirty air. The close battle with the race leader, Gladiator, and Ran during the first run reached its climax at the second windward mark: Azzurra, on starboard tack, couldn't avoid suffering from the errors of her competitors - which tacked early on the lay line - and found herself squeezed while Quantum was closing in, at full pace. Those two lost boat lengths proved fatal and Azzurra slipped to fourth place. Gladiator went on to take the race, followed by Quantum and Ran. It was a difficult day for Alberto Roemmers’ yacht but positive overall.
Quotes of the day
Guillermo Parada, skipper: “I think we had two good races. Unfortunately, the few errors we committed and the small breakages we suffered resulted in a score table that doesn't reflect how we sailed. The important factor is that Quantum haven't been able to gain any points on us. ”
Vasco Vascotto, tactician: “In the first race we finished second instead of first. The winch problem will be resolved, these are things that can happen. The second race hurts more because we paid the price of errors that others committed. However, I find very positive the fact that in a tough day our point tally is equal to that of our direct pursuers."
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, results after 5 races
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 11 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 13 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 23 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 23 pts
6. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 29 pts
7. RIO (USA) 29 pts
52 Super Series – 2013 Racing Schedule
20 - 25 January – Quantum Key West Race Week
5 - 9 March - Gaastra 52 World Championship, Miami
23- 26 May - 40th Trofeo Conde de Godo, RCNB, Barcelona
3 - 6 July - Royal Cup, Ibiza
29 July - 3 August - Copa del Rey, RCNP, Palma de Mallorca
10-14 September – Audi Settimana delle Bocche, YCCS, Porto Cervo
Guillermo Parada – Skipper/ Helmsman
Vasco Vascotto - Tactician
Tomislav Basic - Strategist
Bruno Zirilli - Navigator
Paul Westlake - Mainsail
Mariano Caputo - Bowman
Juan Pablo Marcos - Midbow
David Vera - Pitman
Maciel Cichetti - Trimmer
Mariano Parada - Trimmer
Simon Fry - Trimmer
Gabriel Marino - Grinder
Alejandro Colla – Grinder
Nicola Pilastro - Grinder
Boat Captain: Pedro Rossi
Coach: Guillermo Baquerizas
Physical trainer: Inigo Losada
Owner: Mr. Alberto Roemmers
In Italian:
Il TP52 dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda mantiene la leadership della 52 Super Series, nonostante un problema tecnico ne abbia limitato le performance.
Nelle acque antistanti Barcellona si sono svolte oggi due prove con vento fresco da sud, che dai 15 nodi iniziali è andato a crescere con raffiche fino a 25 nella seconda prova, sollevando un’onda ripida e rendendo le condizioni a bordo dei TP52 impegnative e bagnate. La prima regata è stata dominata da Azzurra sin dalla partenza, ma la rottura di un winch ha causato una inevitabile difficoltà a strambare l’enorme gennaker, consentendo a Ran che inseguiva di passare proprio all’ultima strambata a pochi metri dal traguardo. La seconda prova ha visto Azzurra recuperare ottimamente dopo una partenza in cui ha subito i rifiuti d’aria di Interlodge. La battaglia ravvicinata con il leader della prova, Gladiator, e con Ran durante tutto il primo lato di poppa ha avuto il suo culmine alla seconda boa di bolina: Azzurra, mure a sinistra, non può che subire gli errori di manovra degli altri – che virano in anticipo sulla lay line – e si trova impacchettata mentre sopraggiunge Quantum, libero da ingaggi. Quelle due lunghezze perse si rivelano fatali, e dal secondo scivola al quarto posto. Gladiator va a vincere seguito da Quantum e Ran. Per la barca armata da Alberto Roemmers una giornata difficile ma tutto sommato positiva.
Dichiarazioni del giorno
Guillermo Parada, skipper: “Abbiamo fatto due belle regate, nonostante tutto. Purtroppo qualche minima incertezza e la rottura del winch primario destro sono state pagate più di quanto ci meritassimo, in realtà abbiamo regatato bene. La cosa importante è che Quantum non sia riuscito a guadagnare punti su di noi.”
Vasco Vascotto, tattico: “Nella prima regata abbiamo fatto secondi anziché primi, il problema al winch verrà risolto, son cose che possono capitare. Brucia di più la seconda prova perché abbiamo pagato per errori altrui, ma ritengo molto positivo che in una giornata difficile abbiamo ottenuto lo stesso punteggio dei nostri inseguitori diretti”.
52 Super Series, Trofeo Conde de Godò Barcelona, classifica dopo 5 regate
1. AZZURRA (ITA) 11 pts
3. RAN (SWE) 13 pts
4. GLADIATOR (GBR) 23 pts
5. INTERLODGE (USA) 23 pts
6. PROVEZZA 7 (TUR) 29 pts
7. RIO (USA) 29 pts
Delta Lloyd Regatta : Four kiwi boats make medal race cut
Image: Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox in action on day four by Sander van der Borch
by Jodie Bakewell-White
With the penultimate day of the series done, four NZL Sailing Team crews have made the medal race cut at 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta, round two of the EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup series being sailed in Medemblik, the Netherlands.
Two 470 crews including Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie in the Women’s division and Paul Snow-Hansen and Daniel Willox in the Men’s event, as well as both of New Zealand’s Laser representatives at this regatta – Andy Maloney and Sam Meech – will all race for medals tomorrow.
Only the top six in each class will sail the all important last race of the regatta, where each boat carries forward only their position in the fleet and any leading margins built over four days of racing are wiped.
“Pretty much it all starts again tomorrow with what is essentially a winner takes all final race,” explains Jo Aleh.
“It was another blustery Medemblik day, with some lovely rain squalls to top it off,” she continues. “The last three races went okay, we were up there in the first race of the day but missed the huge left shift on the final beat and ended up with a 6th - our drop of the event.”
“So we thought we better do a little better in the next two, which we did, with a 1, 1 to finish off with. We had some great battles with the British, and now we go into the 'final race' carrying a 1, with them in 2nd.”
In the Laser class the medal race will feature two kiwis, two Aussies and two local Dutch sailors.
Andy Maloney holds onto 2nd place after placing 8th, 1st and 4th in today’s races off Medemblik, while Sam Meech earned a medal race start after going into the day placed 9th overall he finished the day in 5th place. His results today included an 11th, 5th and a race win and he joins the top six on the course tomorrow carrying forward five points.
In the Men’s 470 Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox advance to the medal race carrying four points after finishing the penultimate day in 4th place overall. Their results today were mixed with two 14ths and a 4th.
Natalia Kosinska has finished 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta just outside the medal race cut in 7th overall, while James Turner and Carl Evans have finished 10th in the Men’s 470. Both results are impressive and promising from these sailors.
EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup: Delta Lloyd Regatta
NZL Sailing Team standings after day four
1st Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie, 470W (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 1, 1)
2nd Andy Maloney, Laser (9, 12, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 17, 8, 1, 4)
4th Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox, 470M (3, 5, 2, 3, 3, 5, 3, 14, 14, 4)
5th Sam Meech, Laser (10, 15, 3, 7, 1, 11, 3, 24, 11, 5, 1)
Aspiring NZL Sailing Team…
10th James Turner and Carl Evans 470M
7th Natalia Kosinska RS:XW
Delta Lloyd Regatta
by Jodie Bakewell-White
With the penultimate day of the series done, four NZL Sailing Team crews have made the medal race cut at 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta, round two of the EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup series being sailed in Medemblik, the Netherlands.
Two 470 crews including Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie in the Women’s division and Paul Snow-Hansen and Daniel Willox in the Men’s event, as well as both of New Zealand’s Laser representatives at this regatta – Andy Maloney and Sam Meech – will all race for medals tomorrow.
Only the top six in each class will sail the all important last race of the regatta, where each boat carries forward only their position in the fleet and any leading margins built over four days of racing are wiped.
“Pretty much it all starts again tomorrow with what is essentially a winner takes all final race,” explains Jo Aleh.
“It was another blustery Medemblik day, with some lovely rain squalls to top it off,” she continues. “The last three races went okay, we were up there in the first race of the day but missed the huge left shift on the final beat and ended up with a 6th - our drop of the event.”
“So we thought we better do a little better in the next two, which we did, with a 1, 1 to finish off with. We had some great battles with the British, and now we go into the 'final race' carrying a 1, with them in 2nd.”
In the Laser class the medal race will feature two kiwis, two Aussies and two local Dutch sailors.
Andy Maloney holds onto 2nd place after placing 8th, 1st and 4th in today’s races off Medemblik, while Sam Meech earned a medal race start after going into the day placed 9th overall he finished the day in 5th place. His results today included an 11th, 5th and a race win and he joins the top six on the course tomorrow carrying forward five points.
In the Men’s 470 Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox advance to the medal race carrying four points after finishing the penultimate day in 4th place overall. Their results today were mixed with two 14ths and a 4th.
Natalia Kosinska has finished 2013 Delta Lloyd Regatta just outside the medal race cut in 7th overall, while James Turner and Carl Evans have finished 10th in the Men’s 470. Both results are impressive and promising from these sailors.
EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup: Delta Lloyd Regatta
NZL Sailing Team standings after day four
1st Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie, 470W (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 1, 1)
2nd Andy Maloney, Laser (9, 12, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 17, 8, 1, 4)
4th Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox, 470M (3, 5, 2, 3, 3, 5, 3, 14, 14, 4)
5th Sam Meech, Laser (10, 15, 3, 7, 1, 11, 3, 24, 11, 5, 1)
Aspiring NZL Sailing Team…
10th James Turner and Carl Evans 470M
7th Natalia Kosinska RS:XW
Delta Lloyd Regatta
Delta Lloyd Regatta : London Olympic Champions take the lead in three classes
470 racing at Delta Lloyd Regatta. Image copyright Sander van der Borch
by Delta Lloyd Regatta media
It was one of this day when you dream of a good log fire and a captivating book…Despite the rain and cold, the sailors put on all the warmest gear to start the first races of the 2013 Delta Lloyd regatta.
It was an intense day on the water with a tight programme. Olympic and Paralympic classes sailed three races apart from the 49ers and RS:X who had four races back to back. “We realise it is an intensive schedule, particularly for the RS:X in non-planing conditions, so we decided to lower their target time to 20 mins and optimise resting periods between races.” explains regatta PRO Robert Lamb (GBR).
London Olympic champions take the lead in three classes.
RS:X Gold medallist Dorian van Rijsselberge (NED) didn’t mind the conditions, nor the intensive programme with four victories taken on the day:
“A perfect start here. Four wins. The circumstances were difficult today. Cold and rainy. People expect a lot of me, but winning stays difficult. The racing was nice. Four races on a day is not what we often do, in Garda we had that also. It’s tough, especially when it is so cold as today. Lots of guys in the RS:X had problems with the cold. In these conditions it’s important to sail smart, at least smarter than the other guys.”
Dorian success story is an inspiration for the younger generation. Young Dutch windsurfer Kiran Badloe who has started the year with a podium in Palma found it harder today but managed to place 11th in a strong fleet:
“My races were unstable today. The wind turned a lot, that made it tough, besides the cold. It is nice to compete against Dorian, but today I didn’t see him so much. He is so fast. Dorian is an inspiration for me. His success is very important for Dutch Sailing. My goal here is qualification for the top 25 in the Gold fleet.”
Close score in the Women 470 with Olympic champions Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie (NZL) in first place, a point ahead of Sophie Weguelin and Eilidh Mcintyre (GBR).
There are no surprises in the Men 470. Mat Belcher and Will Ryan (AUS), undefeated since the start of the season, are taking the day with three wins.
The Danish shared the day in the 49er. Norregaard/Thomsen took the first two bullets while Warrer/Lang are leading the fleet after winning the last two races. In the women, Annemiek Bekkering and Claire Blom (NED) are taking first position after four races.
Canadian Finn sailor Greg Douglas leads the Finn fleet with Piotr Kula (POL) in second. With two SWC victories in Melbourne and Hyères and a second place in Palma, Laser class favourite Tom Burton (AUS) takes top place in the Laser. SWC Palma winner Alison Young is leading the Radial in front of Annalise Murphy (IRL) and Marit Bouwmeester (NED).
Mandy Mulder and Thijs Vissel (NED) have taken the first two races to lead the small but strong Nacra fleet.
Moana Delle (GER) is continuing on her good form in the RS:X women in front of a deep field. There are twelve countries in the top 15 and some of the best sailors.
The British are dominating the Paralympic classes after three races. Megan Pascoe takes the command in the 2.4 fleet, while John Robertson, Hannah Stodel and Steve Thomas (GBR) lead the Sonar on equal point with Hyères winners Bruno Jourdren, Eric Flageul and Nicolas Vimont-Vicary (FRA).
The forecast for the second day of racing is for strong winds.
Delta Lloyd Regatta
by Delta Lloyd Regatta media
It was one of this day when you dream of a good log fire and a captivating book…Despite the rain and cold, the sailors put on all the warmest gear to start the first races of the 2013 Delta Lloyd regatta.
It was an intense day on the water with a tight programme. Olympic and Paralympic classes sailed three races apart from the 49ers and RS:X who had four races back to back. “We realise it is an intensive schedule, particularly for the RS:X in non-planing conditions, so we decided to lower their target time to 20 mins and optimise resting periods between races.” explains regatta PRO Robert Lamb (GBR).
London Olympic champions take the lead in three classes.
RS:X Gold medallist Dorian van Rijsselberge (NED) didn’t mind the conditions, nor the intensive programme with four victories taken on the day:
“A perfect start here. Four wins. The circumstances were difficult today. Cold and rainy. People expect a lot of me, but winning stays difficult. The racing was nice. Four races on a day is not what we often do, in Garda we had that also. It’s tough, especially when it is so cold as today. Lots of guys in the RS:X had problems with the cold. In these conditions it’s important to sail smart, at least smarter than the other guys.”
Dorian success story is an inspiration for the younger generation. Young Dutch windsurfer Kiran Badloe who has started the year with a podium in Palma found it harder today but managed to place 11th in a strong fleet:
“My races were unstable today. The wind turned a lot, that made it tough, besides the cold. It is nice to compete against Dorian, but today I didn’t see him so much. He is so fast. Dorian is an inspiration for me. His success is very important for Dutch Sailing. My goal here is qualification for the top 25 in the Gold fleet.”
Close score in the Women 470 with Olympic champions Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie (NZL) in first place, a point ahead of Sophie Weguelin and Eilidh Mcintyre (GBR).
There are no surprises in the Men 470. Mat Belcher and Will Ryan (AUS), undefeated since the start of the season, are taking the day with three wins.
The Danish shared the day in the 49er. Norregaard/Thomsen took the first two bullets while Warrer/Lang are leading the fleet after winning the last two races. In the women, Annemiek Bekkering and Claire Blom (NED) are taking first position after four races.
Canadian Finn sailor Greg Douglas leads the Finn fleet with Piotr Kula (POL) in second. With two SWC victories in Melbourne and Hyères and a second place in Palma, Laser class favourite Tom Burton (AUS) takes top place in the Laser. SWC Palma winner Alison Young is leading the Radial in front of Annalise Murphy (IRL) and Marit Bouwmeester (NED).
Mandy Mulder and Thijs Vissel (NED) have taken the first two races to lead the small but strong Nacra fleet.
Moana Delle (GER) is continuing on her good form in the RS:X women in front of a deep field. There are twelve countries in the top 15 and some of the best sailors.
The British are dominating the Paralympic classes after three races. Megan Pascoe takes the command in the 2.4 fleet, while John Robertson, Hannah Stodel and Steve Thomas (GBR) lead the Sonar on equal point with Hyères winners Bruno Jourdren, Eric Flageul and Nicolas Vimont-Vicary (FRA).
The forecast for the second day of racing is for strong winds.
Delta Lloyd Regatta
52 Super Series : Azzurra hang on to Barcelona lead as Rán and Gladiator win races
Azzurra. Image copyright Xaume Olleros/52superseries.com
by 52 Super Series media
While it was Tony Langley’s Gladiator and Niklas Zennström’s Rán Racing which ran out as best scoring teams from an exciting second day of racing at Barcelona’s Conde de Godo Trophy for the 2013 52 SUPER SERIES, both landing a first and third apiece, Azzurra still returned to the Réal Club Nautico Barcelona with their overall one point lead intact.
Azzurra suffered on the final run of the first race with a malfunctioning primary winch, losing a potential third race victory to Rán Racing just at the finish line on the final gybe. Quantum Racing kept themselves in contention with a great recovery in an electrifying, breezy, bumpy, second race when they fought back from being over the start line early to cross the finish second behind Gladiator.
The second race showcased the 52’s at their sparkling best. Crews arrived ashore wet, chilly and exhausted after the brisk 22-25kts winds, but after an afternoon of high octane downwind sailing in building swells few had many reasons to grumble.
Rán Racing owner Niklas Zennström was pleased to have stolen their win on the finish line of Race 4:
“It was nice to win, but it was also good to pass Azzurra on the finish line after they had done that same thing to us yesterday.” He smiled.
And a win for Gladiator, following up from their third in Race 4, was just the tonic for tactician Chris Larson after an opening day, Thursday, he is keen to forget. Their four points aggregate over Friday’s two races elevates Gladiator to fourth overall.
“ It was just the difference of day.” Larson recalled, “ Unfortunately yesterday everything I did turned to custard. Not much went right. I was actually scared to walk home and allow myself to cross the street as I thought I might get hit by a car. It was one of those days that nothing seemed to work out. We talked about it. I apologised to everyone on the team and said ‘hang in there and I’ll try and make it up and have a better day’ and so we did.”
After five races the three top boats have stepped slightly clear of the chasing pack but correspondingly only three points separates regatta leaders Azzurra from Quantum Racing in third. Their premature start might have left them wondering what might have been, but after lying a slightly distant seventh early on, Quantum Racing’s fightback was nearly total as they were just on the point of challenging Gladiator at the finish line.
Such powers of recovery were not just confined to the American flagged team. In the previous start Rán Racing were less than perfect off the line and had to scrap hard on the first beat and thereafter to get themselves into the position to eclipse Azzurra on the finish line, although the Italian team’s Vasco Vascotto regretted that he did not realise the extent of their damage to the winch and would have altered his final approach to the finish line had he known.
While Rán Racing delivered on their pledge to win races it remains Azzurra who have the upper hand. But a regatta which last year was finally separated in favour of Quantum Racing only on tie break from Azzurra, this 2013 European curtain raiser might still finish up just as close.
52 SUPER SERIES Conde de Godo Trophy, Bareclona
Ranking after 5 races
1- Azzurra (ITA), (1-3-1-2-4) 11 points
2- Quantum Racing (USA), (3-1-2-4-4) 12 points
3- Ran (SWE), (2-4-3-1-3) 13 points
4- Gladiator (GBR) (5-7-7-3-1) 23 points
5- Interlodge (USA) (4-2-6-5-6) 23 points
6- Provezza (TUR) (6-5-4-7-7) 29 points
7- Rio (USA) (7-6-5-6-5) 29 points
Day 2 Racing Highlights
Vasco Vascotto (ITA), tactician Azzurra (ITA): “I feel that we had some very good bits and some not so very good bits. I felt the boats around us sometimes gave us some unnecessary problems for us and for them, we both lost two or three positions because of that. We had a problem with the winch at the start of the last run in the first race so we were not able to gybe, so we broke the winch and that is why we unfortunately lost the first place. There was not a clear enough communication to me that we had broken the winch otherwise I would have not made the last gybe. I could have gone a little more easy to get there. That was one of the only mistakes of the day, but even so if we tie on points for the day with Quantum Racing then we don’t have any big problems.”
Niklas Zennström (SWE) skipper-helm Rán Racing (SWE): “ The first race we just beat Azzurra on the finish line on the last gybe. That was very nice as they did exactly the same thing to us yesterday, so that was just a nice race. In the second we were in good shape at the top mark and maybe just made a little mistake and missed the layline and two or three boats passed us but third place was ok.”
“ It’s awesome sailing downwind in this wind speed, just awesome! So much fun but you have to be careful. We had two small broaches so it’s on the edge but these boats are amazing. Going upwind it is a bit tough because of the sea state but these boats are great.
Downwind it is very much about me reading the waves, just being on the edge and getting the speed up and working the waves and the wind together with the spinnaker trimmer.
Its very much driven by the trimmer and as the helmsmen I am looking at the waves and feeling the waves, its a combination but its more the trimmer talking to the helmsmen rather than the other way around.
Chris Larson (USA) tactician Gladiator (GBR): “ It was just the difference of day. Unfortunately yesterday everything I did turned to custard. Not much went right. I was actually scared to walk home and allow myself to cross the street as I thought I might get hit by a car. It was one of those days that nothing seemed to go right. We talked about it. I apologised to everyone on the team and said hang in there and try and make it up and have a better day and so we did.
We did not sail any differently. We are still starting quite aggressively, high risk, high return starts. Luckily we made both of these work today which put us out in front of the pack and allowed us to minimise the tacks upwind lead at the weather marks which is big for us.
At every turn on the second race we were able to hold them off, holding Quantum Racing off at the finish. We just tried to keep it simple. At the weather mark it was interesting as Rán tacked first to force Azzurra to tack. They both were not laying and so we dipped and tacked above them. It was good boat handling by them as they had to tack and duck us which was pretty scary in that strength of wind, so it was a close call for both boats.
It’s always good to win a race, that’s at least our target at each regatta and to keep our scores consistent. Yesterday it was the outhouse today the penthouse, so I think our average now is about fourth and if we can keep that up or get a little bit better then we could get a good overall finish.”
Mauritius Regatta : One Day to Go and Two Potential Winners!
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
by Coralie Rassinoux
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
Copyright: P.Jaffredou/G.Cazade
by Coralie Rassinoux
After the friendly regatta* yesterday with the best skippers of the Grand Baie Yacht Club, it was back on the official race course today with the fourth leg of the Mauritius Regatta, leading the fleet from Grand Baie to Port Louis, the capital city of Mauritius.
In a force 3 breeze, the catamarans crossed the start line under the hot Mauritian sun.
After a very tactical race to get out of Grand Baie to round the mark at Cap Malheureux, the skippers sailed under spinnaker all along the Western coast of Mauritius. The battle between Michel Desjoyeaux and François Gabart turned to SOL’S with more than a minute gap on the « Professor » after more than three hours of racing.
In this very closely fought leg, one must notice the race within the race between Romain Attanasio and Michel Desjoyeaux. Both skippers have identical boats for the race and they finished between seconds. It wasn’t without reminding us of Formula 1 Grand Prix when two cars from the same team arrive neck and neck.
In the third group, there was a fine sleight of hand between Harry Spedding onboard Yacht Management and Dee Caffari onboard MTPA. The match was won by Yacht Management.
The virtue of the Mauritius Regatta is to give an incredible opportunity to discover all aspects of this wonderful island. Today’s leg finishing in Port Louis, the boats are moored in the capital’s harbour, at the feet of the Suffren hotel. Partner of the event, the hotel is hosting the Mauritius Regatta tonight for a garden party.
Everywhere the regatta stops, one common thread : the warm and enthusiastic welcome from the Mauritians.
*The first leg was won by Michel Desjoyeaux and the second leg by François Gabart who wins the event. The regatta was raced onboard monohulls.
22/05/2013 - Ranking
1. SOL’S François GABART
6. MTPA (female boat) Dee CAFFARI
Provisional overall ranking
1. SOL’S François GABART
6. MTPA (bateau féminin) Dee CAFFARI
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