Vincent Riou's PRB. Image copyright Jean Marie Liot/DPPI/Vendée Globe.
by Véronique Teurlay and SailRaceWin
At 2020 GMT on 7th January, Vincent Riou phoned his team to say that PRB had been dismasted. The incident occurred about an hour and a half after passing Cape Horn. Both the skipper and Jean Le Cam are safe. PRB is at 55°55' S 66° 59'W, 7.8 miles northeast of Cape Horn. A Chilean naval vessel, the 32.7m Alacalufe, is en route to recover them. It should have reached the area by 0200 GMT.
The breakage occurred in a 25 knot nor'westerly wind. The dismasting was due to the earlier breakage of the port outrigger of PRB during the rescue of Le Cam.
PRB is about 55 miles from Puerto Williams, with increasing nor'westerly winds and a swell of 4 to 5 metres developing. At 2200 GMT, Vincent Riou indicated that the boat was heading towards the entrance to the Beagle Channel.
Vendée Globe 2008-9
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