Mirabaud. Image copyright Maria Muina/Barcelona World Race.
by Barcelona World Race media
Dominque Wavre(SUI) and Michèle Paret (FRA) have reported to the Barcelona World RACE Race Direction this afternoon that their IMOCA Open 60 Mirabaud had been boarded by Moroccan customs officials.
Mirabaud was approximately 48 miles east of the entrance to the Straits of Gibraltar and 30 miles off the Moroccan coast when the boarding happened. The officials searched the boat over a period of around 35 minutes, opening many of the couple’s vacuum sealed bags of food and equipment.
After receiving a radio call the customs officials left the IMOCA Open 60 Mirabaud without any further explanation.
The Barcelona World RACE organisers have reported the incident to the Consejo de Deportes (The Council for Sports) and the Maritime Rescue Authority in Madrid for them to take appropriate action and to remind Moroccan institutions of this round the world race to avoid a repetition with similar effects.
Barcelona World Race