Friday, 20 February 2009

VOR: TELEFÓNICA BLUE LEG FIVE DAY 6 QFB: received 19.02.09 1335 GMT

Bowman David Vera onboard Telefonica Blue, on leg 5 of the Volvo Ocean Race. Image copyright Gabriele Olivo/Telefonica Blue/Volvo Ocean Race.

by Tom Addis (navigator)

More of the same port tack reaching....

The main happenings are going on downstairs with warm gear getting packed away for a few weeks. Up on top, not much has changed. Its wet, wet, wet.

In really good pressure now and heading where we want to be heading, to set ourselves up for the final approach to the equator and beyond. Still no major passing lanes though so it’s all about doing all the little things right and gaining when we can.

Today has been a pretty good day in that regard; the way the breeze has been shifting for the fleet makes sense and fits in with our plans so hopefully things will come good. Still a long way back to the front of the fleet though - that is a very long term project for us!

Still getting a feel for the sheer scale of this leg. We are approx 50% of the way from the start line to the equator - and that only represents a small fraction of the leg. Heaps to go yet.

Volvo Ocean Race

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