Looking back on the first leg of the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup, Garda Trentino Olympic Week 2013, held recently on Lake Garda, with an interview with the President of Eurosaf (The European Sailing Federation), Marco Predieri and the impressions of Flavia Tartaglini, the only Italian gold medallist at Garda.
The event, exclusively for the Olympic classes, was the only Italian leg on the tour. Recognition for the organisational abilities demonstrated by the clubs of Upper Garda, who for this occasion united under the name “Vela Garda Trentino”, subdividing the management of the regatta courses of the various classes as follows: Fraglia Vela Riva with the 470, Circolo Vela Arco-49er, Circolo Surf Torbole-RS:X, Circolo Vela Torbole-Laser Standard and Radial and Fraglia Vela Malcesine-Finn and Nacra 17 (mixed crew catamaran new in Rio 2016).
Comments from Marco Predieri, President of Eurosaf
“Eurosaf has developed, in collaboration with some of the principal and most successful European sailing clubs and their respective affiliations, this new competition in 5 legs called the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup. The main objective of this initiative was, and is , to promote the participation at the European level the Olympic classes from as many different countries as possible, from the already well-established to the emerging nations who in this time of economic austerity have less resources at their disposal. This gives them the opportunity to participate alongside “top level” athletes, but also to prepare, start and follow their Olympic dreams.
During the recent ISAF Mid-Year Meetings in Copenhagen, several Federations showed deep interest in this new tour and asked the Executive Committee of ISAF to fully support this initiative. In the course of the various legs, new race courses and formats will be tried out in an endeavour to respond to the needs of the athletes. Through interaction with constructive and continuous dialogue with the athletes, technicians and federations, we can strive to find the best possible solutions.
As it emerged during the recent Mid Year Meeting, one of the main objectives in which Dr. Carlo Croce, neo president of ISAF holds dear, is for a new version of The Sailing World Cup, a new version which would create a product which would appeal to the different television networks. This would promote our sport greatly and would create a platform for Olympic teams, increasing the value of their collaboration with their commercial sponsors. In this context the various legs of the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup could become an integral part of this new initiative transforming it into a qualifying event for the ISAF Sailing World Cup.
I really hope that our initiative can be followed through and developed also with the other continental associations, Africa, Asia and Latin America are the first who come to mind, allowing an increase in collaboration and an exchange of experiences and ideas among the different associations. In regards to the recent regatta on Upper Lake Garda, Italy, I am particularly pleased for the results achieved. There races were well executed with excellent organisation on the water and a high level of participation. Certainly a good start for the new Tour! I want to particularly thank Mauro Stanga and Walter Cavallucci who have over the recent months actively collaborated with me and Eurosaf. The next stop will be the Delta Lloyd Regatta on May21st -25th at Medemblik and after the success of Garda, I'm certain that interest will continue to grow.”
Flavia Tartaglini, gold medallist in Palma and in Garda. Image copyright Fraglia Vela Riva/Elena Giolai
Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup website:
http://championscup.eurosaf.org/eventsites/default s.asp?eventid=160000
Flavia Tartaglini, gold medallist at the Palma de Majorca World Cup and newly crowned winner of the first leg of the Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup and the only Italian at the top of the ISAF rankings (a lead which she alternates with Shaw of G.B bronze medallist at Quindgao Brony and silver at Garda). She spoke to us just after the award ceremony. “ I'd say that in this event with the new format in place here at Garda, and also in the previous ISAF World Cup regattas, I’ve been performing well given that I was gaining gradually, making my move at the right time not just to win a medal but also to win the final race. Once the format was decided and the lay-out of the event known, it was important for me to save my energy in the first few days for the grand final, which in this case was one race only and therefore absolutely decisive. For many classes it meant a complete turnaround of the positions. The format really changes the style of racing . Let's see what the final decision is for Rio 2016.”
Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup Web Site: http://championscup.eurosaf.org/eventsites/default_s.asp?eventid=160000