Sarah Steyaert and Julie Bossard on their International 49erFX. Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay
by Christophe Launay
Sarah Steyaert and Julie Bossard campaigning to represent France in the 49er FX class, the new Olympic Women's double-handed skiff class.
This is a modified version of the male high performance skiff that has been sailed in the olympics since the Sydney games in 2000.
This type of boat really encompasses the spirit of the Olympics with athleticism, balance, skill and daring!
Support them and join their journey to bring home an Olympic Medal from Rio in 2016.
"It is as hard to describe the fascination of the sea as to explain the beauty of a woman.
For, to each man, either it is self-evident, or no argument can help him see it."
Claud Worth, 1926
Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay

Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay
Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay

Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay
Image copyright Christophe Launay/ @SeaLaunay
