Ericsson 4, on leg 5 of the Volvo Ocean Race, from Qingdao to Rio de Janeiro. Image copyright R.J. Godfrey/Ericsson 4/Volvo Ocean Race.
by Guy Salter
Of Jack Nicholson’s movies one, for me, stands out above the others, and I bet there isn’t a hall of residence at any university around the world which does not have at least one poster from the film of Jack poking his head through the recently axed down door.
When you watch a film as great as The Shining you tend to remember certain bits. So I was half expecting the following excerpt when I asked Jules to write yesterday’s QFB as I’m still looking for signs of madness within the ranks
All work and no play make Jules a dull boy
All work and no play make Jules a dull boy
All work and no play make Jules a dull boy
All work and no play make Jules a dull boy
The many pages of this script written by the main character in the movie, (an author - obviously portrayed excellently by Jack) was the turning point of the film when you realise that he had lost his marbles for some time. The solitude had taken its toll – and I was wondering if any of our lads were showing signs that maybe we have been out here a little long. Not sure what you would do if one of the lads just lost the plot out here, but I’m sure they would meet a fair amount of resistance.

Ryan Godfrey on the bow, onboard Ericsson 4, on leg 5 of the Volvo Ocean Race, from Qingdao to Rio de Janeiro. Image copyright Guy Salter/Ericsson 4/Volvo Ocean Race.
But seriously, I think that we have surprised ourselves on this leg by being in pretty good shape after such a long time – none of us are showing the tell-tell signs of madness as in Blackadder (UK TV show) with the pencils stuck in oral and nasal canals whilst chanting wibble wibble wibble day after day. So no need for the men in white coats as I thought we may have – or at least not for Ericsson 4.
We have had no serious injuries and hope we don’t for the last few miles, just a collection of the usual minor complaints. The big area we have suffered will be weight loss especially in muscle; we are unable to do other exercise onboard apart from the sailing – of which I am unable to partake. So my legs and my arms have shrunk an unbelievable amount which isn’t too great as it’s not fat loss for us out here for the last month. The hard thing for most crews will be to rest and recover, but also build back the lost strength we will all be suffering from, and in such a small and busy stopover.
I guess it gives the boys on Telefónica Black and Delta Lloyd a great advantage as they will have had some good practice and be fully physically and mentally recovered for the in-port race in just over a week. But they will also be a bit disappointed for not having had the chance to do the last leg. I know I would have a fair amount of regret not getting an attempt at the Horn and would probably selfishly do all I could to achieve this goal.

Horatio Carabelli onboard Ericsson 4, on leg 5 of the Volvo Ocean Race, from Qingdao to Rio de Janeiro. Image copyright Guy Salter/Ericsson 4/Volvo Ocean Race.
The stealth plays have been in action today and we wonder if they are such a good thing as the race is all about you – the followers - and to have all info about the race removed by us seems a little odd. You definitely wouldn’t get football of F1 cut off in its prime. Would be interesting to hear your thoughts – maybe drop us all onboard Ericsson 4 a line via our website www.ericssonracingteam.com and contact the boat to let us know your thoughts.
Anyway all good here – wherever we are as we view the lights of Brazil.... ha....ha.....ha????
Volvo Ocean Race
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