by Lesley Haslar
All You Need to Know
Registration is January 18, 2011, 1600 hrs to 1800 hrs, followed by three days of enthusiastic racing, 19th – 20th – 21st January.
For those returning to the Bay Regatta, this regatta is very much about re-acquaintance with past competitors and friends; First-timers enjoy the competition and friendly environment.
Twelve Divisions
A-B-C-D-E – Multihull – Y 88s - Passage 1 - Passage 2 – Sports Boat - Elliott 5.9 - A-Class Catamarans
Passage Divisions are for the cruising yachts and/or casual competitors offering Bay races daily around islands - with spinnakers - no windward-leeward’s.
NATIONALS to be held at Bay of Islands Sailing Week
Flying Fifteens - Elliott5.9s - IRC Division
Reminder: mandatory attendance at the Briefings by Skipper or delegated Crew Member. This is for safety reasons.
The Prize for a previously undisclosed paid-up entry number: ‘And the winner is’ Pete Woods (65th paid entry) Physical Favours – congratulations Pete - claim your REFUND OF ENTRY FEE from Melanie at Registration
This year we are introducing a Sailing Instruction Booklet; 28 pages. Quality hard copy - all you will want to know is between these covers, easy to read and refer to while sailing.
There are well over 100 entries, and more to come!
Furthest entries south of Kerikeri to date are from Wellington: Sports Boats Badonkadonk - Monkey Business – and Splash Palace, a modified Ross 930. Furthest north is Zambra from Mangonui.
There is a link on the Bay of Islands Sailing Week website www.bayofislandssailingweek.org.nz for those wanting to crew, and for those wanting a crew, on a boat.
FEEDER RACE from Auckland – January 15 - a fun way to get to the Bay. Multihull start is 0955hrs – PHRF-IRC-Open Spinnaker start is 1000 hrs. Contact Kelly Gilkison, Race Manager (09) 3606809 email raceoffice@rnzys.org.nz
Bow Stickers: Every boat will be issued with these and they must be put on before racing.
The Bay of Islands Refuse Barge will be moored off the eastern end of Moturua Island – this service is provided by the Dept of Conservation, Far North District Council and Northern Regional Council. Boaties can buy stickers for their rubbish bags in packs of 2 for $5.00. The most convenient purchase points are: Opua Store, Beechy Street – Opua Marina Baffin Street – DOC boat patrol rangers on the water – Bay of Islands Yacht Club Waitangi – Paihia i-site, The Wharf Paihia. Further information is available from Helen Ough Dealy hodealy@doc.govt.nz ph 09-4039006.
Bay of Islands Sailing Week Race Committee: Ray Haslar, Andrew Riddell, David Hope-Lewis, Lesley Haslar, Allen Jones, Annette Jones, Michael Briggs and Event Coordinator, Melanie MacDiarmid.
Bay of Islands Sailing Week