by Geronimo Emili
With a letter addressed to Club Canottieri Roggero di Lauria, the Golden Gate Yacth Club has accepted officially the Venezia Challenge Club’s Notice of Challenge for the 34th into the America’s Cup.
Venezia Challenge joins Club Nautico di Roma (ITA, the “Challenger of Record”), Kungliga Svenska Segal Sallskapet (SWE), Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (NZL), Aleph Yacht Club (FRA), Yacht Club de France (FRA), the Mei Fan Yacht Club (CHN), the Sail Korea Yacht Club (KOR) and four other undislosed Challengers. In total, there are now 15 AC34 entries, including Defender candidate ORACLE Racing Team.
“We’ve worked very hard in the last two years to became a Challenger for the 34th America’s Cup. Today is a very exciting day for us and for our team” – said Carlo Magna and Emanuela Pulcino, the italian founders of Venezia Challenge.
"We're very pleased to welcome the Venezia Challenge from such a proud sailing nation to our strong field of international competitors for the 34th America's Cup" said Richard Worth, Chairman, America's Cup Event Authority.
Carlo Magna, Co-founder - President
Emanuela Pulcino, Co-founder – Vice President
Elio Faravelli, CEO
Cesare Pasotti, Team Manager
Geronimo Emili, Communication Manager
Alfonso Granieri, Art Director
In Italian:
Con una lettera indirizzata al Circolo Canottieri Roggero di Lauria di Palermo, il Golden Gate Yacth Club di San Francisco ha ufficialmente ammesso Venezia Challenge alla 34a America’s Cup.
Venezia Challenge è l’undicesimo team dopo Club Nautico di Roma (ITA, the “Challenger of Record”), Kungliga Svenska Segal Sallskapet (SWE), Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (NZL), Aleph Yacht Club (FRA), Yacht Club de France (FRA), the Mei Fan Yacht Club (CHN), the Sail Korea Yacht Club (KOR) e 4 altri challenger ancora riservati. In totale ci sono 15 AC34 iscritti, incluso il Defender ORACLE Racing Team.
“Abbiamo lavorato duramente in questi ultimi 2 anni per diventare challenger della 34a America’s Cup, oggi è una giornata emozionante per noi e per tutto il team” Hanno dichiarato Carlo Magna ed Emanuela Pulcino, I fondatori di Venezia Challenge.
"We're very pleased to welcome the Venezia Challenge from such a proud sailing nation to our strong field of international competitors for the 34th America's Cup" - è la dichiarazione di Richard Worth, Chairman, America's Cup Event Authority.
Venezia Challenge Management Team:
Carlo Magna, Co-founder - President
Emanuela Pulcino, Co-founder – Vice President
Elio Faravelli, CEO
Cesare Pasotti, Team Manager
Geronimo Emili, Communication Manager
Alfonso Granieri, Art Director
Notes from SailRaceWin:
1. We understand that reference should have been made to Team Australia; instead it appears that Venezia Challenge has inadvertently announced the participation of Korea in the 34th America's Cup!
2. We believe that Venezia Challenge is the only America's Cup team ever to have had an Art Director!
3. It is understood that the Mayor of Venezia (Venice) is unhappy about a team competing through a Sicilian club bearing the name of his city and is considering legal moves to encourage the syndicate to change its name.
Venezia Challenge
America's Cup