Image copyright Guilain Grenier/www.hydroptere.com

Image copyright Guilain Grenier/www.hydroptere.com
by SailRaceWin
There is a full 26 minutes on l'Hydroptère in the latest edition of Thalassa, detailing the project of the flying boat from its conception, and examining technical, financial and personal issues encountered by Alain Thébault and his team in their quest to fly-sail around the world in 40 Days (somewhat faster than Jules Verne anticipated by other means).
The 15th October 2010 edition of FR3's seminal weekly nautical programme, Thalassa, will be available for viewing internationally under http://www.thalassa.france3.fr until about 1800 CET Friday, 22nd October 2010. The first 15-20 minutes of the programme are spent searching for one of the oldest fish in the world, the coelacanth, a living fossil, (vaguely similar to a large cat fish in appearance) which survived the K-T exinctions. This is followed by the focus on l'Hydroptère. NB the programme is in French, but worth viewing regardless of your language abilities.

Image copyright Guilain Grenier/www.hydroptere.com

Image copyright Guilain Grenier/www.hydroptere.com
Rubric in French from the Thalassa website on this edition of the programme:
Le Vietnam, la Nouvelle Zélande, les côtes du Japon, de la Tanzanie sont, entre autres, au programme de ce Thalassa qui nous entraîne aussi sur les traces du plus vieux poisson du monde : le cœlacanthe. Ne ratez pas l’enquête captivante sur ce véritable fossile vivant qui demeure l’une des grandes énigmes de l’océan.
Nous partons aussi à la rencontre d’un navigateur atypique : Alain Thébault. Depuis plusieurs années cet homme poursuit un rêve : faire voler les bateaux. Son hydroptère –un engin révolutionnaire- est aujourd’hui le voilier le plus rapide de la planète.
Nous suivrons aussi les aventures des Grands Voyageurs et les rencontres de Georges Pernoud au hasard de ses pérégrinations sur le littoral français.

Image copyright Guilain Grenier/www.hydroptere.com

Image copyright Guilain Grenier/www.hydroptere.com
A 2 minute trailer for l'Hydroptère part of this edition of Thalassa is available on the l'Hydroptère.com website, and also on the Wall of SailRaceWin's brand new Facebook page. Both these locations also have an 8 minute video overview of l'Hydroptère, with subtitles in English.