Invited guest in 2008, Kevin Shoebridge, on board an Elliott 6m. Supplied image.
by Mandy Burt
The Worser Bay Boating Club is hosting its annual Hebtro Trophy celebrity yacht race on Sunday 3rd April. Commodore Andrew Paterson said that “the aim of the day is to raise funds for junior sailing, and in doing so, to have great fun day for all involved”.
This year’s celebrity is the whole Dickson Family. ”It very appropriate for Worser Bay to have the Dickson Family as this year’s celebrities. Sailing is a Sport for life” and 78 year old Grandfather Roy is still sailing. Father Chris is still enjoying his sailing and his two girls Grace 11 and Rose 9 are Optimist sailors. The Dickson family illustrates what we all know, sailing is a “Sport of Life. Hebtro Trophy fund raising is one of the ways we get our children to start that wonderful life long adventure.” said Andrew Paterson.
The Hebtro Trophy celebrity yacht race will take place in the waters off Worser Bay, with around 20 Port Nic keelboats, each carrying a sponsor and junior sailors. The Hebtro Trophy fundraising day is in its 20th year and continues to raise the funds needed to enable many Wellington children to get out on the water. Each year these funds give around 250 school children an opportunity to have a go at sailing, and a further 60 take part in subsided Lean to Sail Courses. The Club also uses the funds for coaching for junior sailors over summer weekends. “Our aim is for children and young people to experience and enjoy sailing, whether in future years they aspire to go to the Olympics or join Team New Zealand or to simply go for a cruise around the harbour” said Andrew. Several graduates of our programs supported by Hebtro funds are now making names for themselves on the national and international level, and at least one recent graduate from the Worser Bay program has set his sights on the 2012 Olympic games. These you people will be back helping with Hebtro again this season.

Terry Steven shows young Worser Bay sailors how to hike keeler style. Supplied image.
To find out more about this year’s Hebtro Trophy, on 3rd April, the Worser Bay Boating Club or junior sailing opportunities, visit www.wbbc.org.nz
Biographies of Roy and Chris Dickson:
Roy Dickson
Built Tuahine A with his father Jim Dickson 1957. Took 3 years to build.
Was a Territorial Officer with brother Frank in 1st Locating Battery North Head.
Navigator Helmsman with Chris Bouzaid Rainbow III Winner One Ton Cup Germany 1969
Co Skipper 45 South Farr737 Quarter Ton World Championships 1975 France
(Note that Black Fun by Laurie Davidson was the top ¼ Ton Cup in 1977, Black Fun is now a Worser Bay project and is being shipped back to Europe shortly)
Tactician & Downwind Helm One Ton Cup 1978
Was winner of the inaugural Citizen International Match Racing Series in Auckland ( in Stewart 34s ) 1978, over Harold Cudmore. ( in 1982 Roy son Chris ( them 20 ) won this event again over Cudmore, then Chris won it again in 1988 with 9 straight wins and Chris again in 1989 )
Deeply involved in the very early work to bring the America's Cup to Auckland.
Owner Stewart 34, Playbuoy, Winner HSBC Premier Coastal Classic Media Race 2008. (Stewart 34 design was 50 Year old in 2009 )
In 2008 lent Playbuoy to the Lion Foundation Youth Training Scheme , Hauraki Trifecta Teams Race.
In 2008 won the IRC National Champs in Playbuoy with members of the RNZYC Youth Scheme as crew.
Won the 2010 Stewart 34 Monday Night Championships in Playbuoy 136
Skippered Coutts ¼ Ton Enigma at 2010 Cowes Isle of Wight
Coached the RNZYS Team in CentrePort International Youth Match Racing 2011 at RPNYC recently. His team came 5th. Our WBBC teams Coltman 3rd and Porebski 4th.
Member of Tutukaka South Pacific Yacht Club
Chris Dickson

Chris Dickson. Supplied image.
Information re. Chris Dickson is on Wikipedia
HEBTRO Trophy Radio NZ Yachting
1976 J Pearse, J Smith O.B.Section
1978 Alan Warner Kidnapper
1979 Keith Miller Iconoclast
1980 Grant Nisbett Azrec
1982 John Mcgregor Kinetic
1983 Mark Holmes N.I.Z.A.M
1984 John Tokin Out to Lunch
1986 Desire Keowm Sports
1988 In recess
1989 In recess
1990 In recess
1991 In recess
1991 Barry Christopherson got hold of Trophy and restarted it out of WBBC
RadioNZ Lost the trophy in 90s.
1992 Nick Tansley Rex Heberley made a replacement paid for by RNZ $500
1993 Then RNZ found it again.
1994 Hence we have 2 HebTro Trophies.
1996 Craig Monk Celeb had to win fair and square up to 1996
1997 Russell Couts After 1996 handicapper supported the Celeb!
1998 Chris Dickson Chris. Came as Villan but left Worser Bay as a hero. Was very popular! ( Chris move to another AmCaup team away from TeamNZ )
1999 Murray Jones
2000 Roy Dickson Celeb Simon Daubney Simon Daubney was invited Celeb. But Roy Dickson Won! Handicapper let it stand!
2001 Cameron Appleton
2002 Barbara Kendall Came with her new baby!
2003 Joey Allen
2004 Gavin Brady
2005 Tom Schnackenberg No sailing at all. Tom sat and talked all day! Now "snack's chair" is a club taonga.
2006 Martin Tasker
2007 Owen Rutter
2008 Kevin Shoebridge Was plucked off losing boat "Andiamo" and on to "Paul Hastings"E6 on last leg to win!
2009 Jon Bilger Bid at auction for "Time". So won easily! Came with his wife and 2 little girls.
2010 Hamish Pepper No sailing at All. Very bad weather.
2011 Roy & Chris & Sue & Daughters (Grace 11 & Rose 9). Also Mayor Celia Wade-Brown. 36 Years since 1st Hebtro. Whole Family to celebrate "sailing: A Sport for Life". Chris was atHebtro 1998 ( 13 years ago). Roy was at Hebtro 2000 ( 11 years ago )
Hebtro Trophy