Conditions today. Image copyright Christophe Favreau/505 SAP Worlds.
by Di Pearson
The weather gods are not playing ball with the 2011 SAP 505 World Championship at Hamilton Island this week; for the third day running, Race Officer Kevin Wilson has had to announce that gusty winds and big seas have dictated no racing.
Wilson and his crew made a number of trips to the course area, but came back with the same answer each time, “It’s just not safe.”
Mike Martin (USA) the 2009 505 world champion, and his crew Geoff Ewenson, decided to test the waters for themselves, so took their boat for a sail. While the heavy weather specialists were able to keep the boat afloat, it became blatantly obvious that it was not a day for the fleet to race.
Everyone else watched from the safety and warmth of shore as the Americans mastered the waves and big gusts, which reached 40 knots at times.
Ian Pinnell, the 2008 world champion from Britain, along with some others, chose to take a dip in the pool in the teeming rain as all waited for news of what tomorrow would bring.

Carter Jackson gets the no racing news on the phone from Kevin Wilson. Image copyright Christophe Favreau/505 SAP Worlds.
Kevin Wilson said, “We’ll try to hold two races tomorrow and may move the course to the Whitsunday Passage.” That decision would be made tomorrow morning, but Wilson plans to get racing underway from 10.00am.
Family and fans can follow racing live via the tracker with SAP analysis, video and more on the official site at: www.505sapworldchampionship2011.com