Rough weather match racing in Finland! Image copyright Ville Väresmaa.
by Koru Match media
Koru Match has been busy training in Helsinki, Finland. The video shows the team "taking on" the cold and windy conditions:
Along with the hard training, the team celebrated Susannah's 21st birthday, fixed Jenna's broken nose and brought Stephanie's computer back from the dead.

Breeze on! Image copyright Ville Väresmaa.The girls are currently in Medemblik, (Netherlands), preparing to compete at the Delta Lloyd Regatta (ISAF Sailing World Cup). Koru Match is excited that they are accompanied by their coach Laurie Jury.
The Kiwis are in Pool B, along with (SWE, NED x2, CHN, BRA, FRA, RUS, FIN and CAN)
Racing commences Tuesday morning, European time.

KoruMatch in Finland. Image copyright Ville Väresmaa.
To follow the race results, follow the regatta website: http://www.deltalloydregatta.org/
For all team updates and photos, follow the team: http://www.facebook.com/#!/korumatch
KoruMatch is Stephanie Hazard (Helm), Susannah Pyatt (Bow) & Jenna Hansen (Trim).