LBYC Commodore Bud Lorbeer (l.) watches FMJ Racing's bowman Brandon Wood hoist the Butler Cup for the team. Image copyright Rich Roberts.
by Will Tiller
For the last couple of days the we have been racing out of the Long Beach Yacht Club in LA competing in the Butler Cup. We were sailing in Catalina 37s which are awesome boats to match race and very physically demanding on the crew. After the single round robin we were placed second just behind the local hero Nesbitt.
In the final series we won our quarter final 2-0 and then our semi 2-1. This had us meeting Nesbitt in the final and we came out strong, in the first race we were all over him in the pre-start and managed to 'black flag' him which was a great way to begin. In the second race we again had the advantage in the start, putting two penaltys on him and forcing him over the line, this gave us a big lead which we held for the rest of the race.
Our next regatta is the Ficker cup in two weeks' time, which is the qualifier to the Congressional Cup.
We would like to thank our main sponsor Chris Meads, SLAM and RNZYS for supporting us.
FMJ Racing is Will Tiller, Harry Thurston, David Wood, Daniel Pooley, and Americans Brandon Folkman and Brandon Wood.
FMJ Racing
California Dreamin' Match Race Series: Long Beach