PPYC. Supplied image.
by Jodie Bakewell-White
For those of us who did not experience the Canterbury Earthquake of September 4th first-hand, thoughts immediately turned to those we know in the region.
For the Board and Management team at Yachting New Zealand that means the Canterbury yachting and boating community including the region’s Yacht Club Officers and members, YNZ Councillor Brett Willcock and our NZCT Regional Support Officer Kate Spackman. News on Canterbury’s Yacht Clubs and the impact of the Quake came through to Yachting New Zealand quickly and was reported in the last issue of Briefings.
The YNZ Board acting promptly to get a message of support out to Canterbury’s Club Commodores directly:-
“It is difficult to comprehend the impact that not only the quake itself, but also the aftermath must have on you all in Canterbury, and we want to pass on our best wishes and thoughts to you at this difficult and challenging time,” said Jan Dawson, YNZ President.
“We sincerely hope that you and your friends, colleagues, fellow yachties and family are all coping in the immediate aftermath, and as the clean-up and rebuilding is carried out. “The Board of Yachting New Zealand wish to offer assistance to the region’s Yacht Clubs and will consider applications for levy relief where Club revenue will be affected due to the earthquake.”
Pleasant Point Yacht Club rallies
Tenacity and spirit shines through in the Commodore’s message in the latest member newsletter from the worst hit of Canterbury’s Clubs - Pleasant Point Yacht Club.
“Our immediate focus is to get our sailing season started... from where and when is yet to be determined but we are adamant that this will happen, so watch this space,” says PPYC Commodore, Ian Douglas. “Our next focus is dealing with the various companies and authorities that have an influence on our future.”
“It is at times like this that belonging to a club can help. If anyone has a particular problem, contact a Committee member, there may be someone in the Club’s network who can solve it for you,” says Douglas.
“The main thing is to keep yourself busy, make plans to make things better and if all else fails go for a sail and get away from it all for a while.”
Nigel Humphries from Pleasant Point Yacht Club provides the latest from the constantly evolving story, “Events since Sept 4th have further damaged the building, with one wall at the entrance and kitchen side separating into its individual concrete blocks.”
“We are awaiting the Engineers Report and the Insurance Company’s response to that Report... but we know that it will be a bulldozer job,” he says.
“The main issue with our land, at the mouth of the Avon River, is that it has slumped towards the river and we anticipate significant ground engineering will be needed for any structure.”
“The next issue is a wider one affecting at least five Canterbury Yacht Clubs and that is water quality. The authorities are warning that it could take a year before the water and sewer system is repaired fully.”
Update from other Quake affected Clubs
Christchurch Yacht Club sustained minor damage in the initial 7.1 earthquake but received various cracks in a later aftershock.
Due to poor water quality the club did not race, but still held its opening on 18th October. Water quality indicates that the club should be back on the water sailing weekend 1st – 2nd October.
Nick Richardson,
Commodore, Christchurch Yacht Club
Mount Pleasant Yacht Club escaped without damage. Sailing on Opening Day was cancelled but the ceremonies were well attended. Racing should resume on Saturday 2nd October with only one sailing day lost.
Sailors from other Estuary clubs are welcome to use our facilities in the meantime. Courses will be adjusted to keep clear of areas of poor water quality emanating from the Avon River. (based on latest Ecan advice)
Paul Willyams
Mount Pleasant Yacht Club
Yachting New Zealand