Red Bull Extreme Sailing competing in Trapani. Image copyright Mark Lloyd/Lloyd Images/Red Bull.
by Mario Schoby
Double Olympic Champion (Multihull) Roman Hagara (AUT, Skipper) performed with his crew members (Hans Peter Steinacher/AUT, Gabriele Olivo/ITA, David Vera/ESP) at the fourth leg of the Extreme Sailing Series™ Europe in Trapani, Sicily, Italy. Thousands of spectators saw the 14 meters long and 20 meters high carbon multihulls in *extreme* moments. Red Bull Extreme Sailing - the Newcomer Team in the Sailing Circuit - showed their skills and took 6th place overall. The final leg of the season will take place from October 09 to October 12 2010 in Almeria (ESP).
The Extreme Sailing Series Europe sees the best sailors in the world compete against each other in identical Extreme 40 catamarans. The Extreme Sailing Series™ Europe 2010 comprises stops in Sète (FRA), Cowes (UK), Kiel (GER), Trapani (ITA) and Almeria (ESP).

Red Bull Extreme Sailing in the action in Trapani. Image copyright Sabine König/Red Bull.
The 2010 season features top athletes from eleven countries in action. Between them these world-class sailors have no fewer than 55 World Championship titles, six Olympics medals, including four gold medals, 46 European Championship titles as well as 183 national titles and 17 world records.
Auf deutsch:
Am Finaltag der Extreme Sailing Series Europe in Trapani (Sizilien) segelte das Newcomer Team (Roman Hagara/AUT, Hans Peter Steinacher/AUT, David Vera/ESP, Gabriele Olivo/ITA) erneut auf das Podest (2. Rang) und zeigte, dass die internationale Weltspitze trotz eines enormen Materialnachteils in Reichweite liegt. In der Gesamtwertung belegte die Multihull-Crew den 6. Rang. Der Sieg ging an The Wave Muscat (Oman).
'Dass unser Schiff im Speedvergleich aktuell nicht mithalten kann, ist uns bewusst. Wenn man auf diesen kurzen Kursen gut startet, taktisch klug segelt und trotzdem nicht ganz vorne ist, muss man das Boot überarbeiten. Wir müssen jetzt versuchen, bis zum nächsten Rennen in Spanien irgendwo Speed gut zu machen. Ein neuer Segelsatz wird wohl nicht rechtzeitig bereit sein’, gab sich Skipper und Doppelolympiasieger Roman Hagara kämpferisch.

Red Bull Extreme Sailing in the action in Trapani. Image copyright Sabine König/Red Bull.
An vier Tagen wurden in Trapani bei Starkwind (bis zu 26 Knoten) und vor tausenden Fans insgesamt 24 Rennen ausgetragen. Die 20 Meter hohen und 14 Meter langen Karbon-Katamarane (nur 1250 kg) wurden bis ans Limit gesegelt. Am Freitag entgingen drei Schiffe – Red Bull Extreme Sailing, Oman Sail Masirah und Groupama – nur knapp einer Kenterung.
Derweilen wurde bekannt, dass in Spanien das Syndikat ‚Emirates Team New Zealand’ an den Start geht. Die Neuseeländer wollen sich in der Extreme Sailing Series auf den nächsten Americas Cup – welcher auf Multihulls stattfindet – vorbereiten. Das nächste Rennen der europäischen Multihull Serie findet vom 9. Bis 12. Oktober 2010 in Almeria (ESP) statt.
Steinacher: ‚Wenn man in einer One-Design-Klasse als Newcomer-Team einen Materialnachteil hat, rätselt man natürlich. Wir kennen den Grund jetzt und werden alles geben um in Spanien wieder Anschluss zu finden.’
Gabriele Olivo, italienischer Trimmer an Bord von Red Bull Extreme Sailing: ‚Diese Segelwoche bestätigte erneut, dass sie die Zukunft des Segelsports dem Multihull gehört.’
Übersetzung (dank an SailRaceWin):
On the final day of the Extreme Sailing Series Europe in Trapani (Sicily) the Newcomer Team (Roman Hagara/AUT, Hans Peter Steinacher/AUT, David Vera/ESP, Gabriele Olivo/ITA) sailed on to the podium (2nd level) and showed that they are at the top of the world level, despite an enormous resource disadvantage. Overall, the multihull crew was 6th. The win went to The Wave Muscat (Oman).
"We know that our boat doesn't have the same speed as the others. If you start well on these short courses, sail well tactically and in spite of that are not at the front, one has to work on the boat. We must now try to get some good speed, before the next races in Spain. A new suite of sails won't be ready by then", said the Skipper and double Olympic Gold medallist Roman Hagara.

On board with the Red Bull Extreme Sailing crew in Trapani. Image copyright Sabine König/Red Bull.
Twenty-four races were held in Trapani over four days in strong winds (up to 26 knots), and in front of a thousand fans. The 20 metre high and 14 metre long carbon catamarans (only 1,250kg) were sailed to the limit. On Friday, three boats, Red Bull, Oman Sail Masirah and Groupama all had narrow escapes from capsizing.
Meanwhile, it became known that in Spain the syndicate Emirates Team New Zealand would be on the starting line. The New Zealanders want to prepare for the next America's Cup - which is in multihulls.
The next races of the European multihull series will be 9-12 October 2010 in Almeria, Spain.
Steinacher: 'If one has a material disadvantage in a one design class as a newcomer team, it is irritating, naturally. We know the reason now and will make a strong push to get a good ending in Spain'.
Gabriele Olivo, Italian Trimmer on board Red Bull Extreme Sailing: 'This sailing week confirmed again that the future of sailing belongs to the multihull'.

Roman Hagara (the 007 of sailing?) with Roger Moore, a former James Bond. Image copyright Red Bull.
Red Bull Extreme Sailing
Extreme Sailing Series™