Thursday, 17 March 2011

Zwitserlev​en Sailing Week 2011 attracts world class sailors to Texel

Zwitserleven Sailing Week 2010. Image copyright Claire Matches.

by Diana Bogaards

The Zwitserleven Sailing Week 2011 attracts world class cat sailors and slalom windsurfers to the Wadden Island of Texel, Netherlands. The organization unites two World Championships, the Open Dutch Championship Cat Sailing (Texel Dutch Open) and the well-known Zwitserleven Round Texel Race to a strong program. In addition, there will be two performance tours for recreational competitors. Registration is open now.

Official Nacra Infusion Worlds

The Zwitserleven Sailing Week commences on Monday June 20 2011 with the Slalom Windsurfing Worlds and the Nacra Championships. Last winter, the Nacra Infusion was granted with the ISAF class status, which means that the class may organize an official World Championship, recognized by the International Sailing Federation. The Nacra races will finish on Wednesday morning, since the Texel Dutch Open starts in the afternoon and will end on Friday June 24. The Shorttrack Race are also to be sailed during these days. The windsurfers have their finals on Saturday June 25, the day that hundreds of beach cats line up for world's biggest cat race around Texel.

Zwitserleven Round Texel Race

The starting gun for the 34th Zwitserleven Round Texel Race will be fired between 12:30 and 13:30 hours local time. The sailors will absolutely be out for revenge after being forced to stay ashore in 2010, due to a strong onshore wind and rough seas. The resulting sailing conditions made it irresponsible to send out the huge fleet. This was only the third cancellation in the 33-year history.

Social media and activity

Besides the challenging racing circumstances, the Zwitserleven Sailing Week on Saturday, June 25 is also known for its cozy atmosphere on the beach. From Monday, the Pit Lane is again the beating heart, where teams and dealers will be present. On Wednesday, the program begins with live performances in the pavilion. The entire Zwitserleven Sailing Week is to be followed via the website, Facebook and Twitter.

Besides the title sponsor Zwitserleven, the Round Texel race is also made possible by the following sub sponsors VVV Texel, Paal 17 events, Treffers / Kappa, Teso, W&H Leibherr, TNG Watches and Mondriaan Onderwijsgroep.

Zwitserleven Sailing Week